Delete Fixed Distributions

Delete Fixed Distributions

In the Delete Fixed Distribution panel, you can delete a fixed rate. When you delete a rate, the system removes the old reference data from the Distribution Rate table and replaces it with information for the new rate. A distribution period is completely removed only when all of the rates in the period have been deleted. General ledger postings are backed out and the subledger is updated.

To delete a fixed distribution:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup Fund Accounting Fixed Distributions > Delete Fixed Distribution.
    You see the Delete Fixed Distribution panel.

  2. In the Entity ID and Entity Name fields, specify the master fund entity identifier or the master fund entity name for the distributions you want to delete.

  3. In the Share Class field, specify a valid share class.

  4. In the Begin Date and End Date fields, specify the beginning and ending dates for the period with rates you are deleting.

  5. In the Distribution Daily Rate field, specify the distribution rate for a fixed distribution type.

  6. In the Distribution Rate for Period field, specify the distribution rate for a periodic distribution type.

  7. Click Submit.
    The system deletes the fixed distribution rates that met your criteria,