Create Adjusted NAV Expense Rule Panel Options

Create Adjusted NAV Expense Rule Panel Options

In the Create Adjusted NAV Expense Rule panel, you can add or update an adjusted NAV expense rule. The following are the options in the Create Adjusted NAV Expense Rule panel.







Add NAV Adjusted Expense Rule



Add or Update Adjusted NAV Expense Rule


Indicates whether you are adding a new adjusted NAV expense rule or maintaining an existing adjusted NAV expense rule. Options include:

  • Add. Default. Allows you to create a new adjusted NAV expense rule and enter related rule criteria.

  • Update. Allows you to enter additional rule criteria for an existing adjusted NAV expense rule. 

Adjusted NAV Expense Rule Name


Specifies the name of the adjusted NAV expense rule you are adding or updating. If you add multiple rows for the same rule, this field shows the value you selected for the first row.

Adjusted NAV Expense Rule Type


Identifies the type of the adjusted NAV expense rule. If you add multiple rows for the same rule, this field shows the value you selected for the first row. Options include:

  • Ledger Based. A ledger based adjusted NAV expense rule uses a starting point of 0 (zero) for calculating the variable expense's underlying NAV component, and then adds in or subtracts the net amount associated with the rule criteria. That is, the system uses the NAV amount associated with the rule in place of the underlying NAV amount in calculations. If you select this value, you can set the Include/Exclude Component field to Include Item or to Exclude Item. 

  • NAV. A NAV based adjusted NAV expense rule uses the underlying NAV component's value as the starting point for calculating the variable expense's underlying NAV component, and then subtracts the total amount associated with the rule criteria from the underlying NAV amount used in the variable expense setup. If you select this value, the Include/Exclude Component field displays a value of Exclude Item. 

  • Ledger Activity. A ledger activity based NAV expense rule allows you to specify a of range of ledger accounts for use with calculating tax expense accruals for variable expenses. If you select this value, the Include/Exclude Component field displays a value of Include Item. 

Expense Rule Component


Identifies the type of criteria that the adjusted NAV expense rule entry uses. When you select an option, additional fields appear where you can select a specific value to include or exclude. Options include: 

  • Ledger. Allows you to specify a range of general ledger accounts.

  • Security ID. Allows you to specify a security.

  • Security Type. Allows you to specify a security type.

  • Processing Security Type. Allows you to specify a processing security type. 

  • Sub-Security Type. Allows you to specify a sub security type. 

Chart of Account Name


Specifies the name of the Chart of Accounts associated with the adjusted NAV expense rule. The default field value is STAR. 

Include/Exclude Component


Indicates whether the system includes or excludes the adjusted NAV expense rule entry when calculating expenses. Options include: 

  • Include Item. The system includes the rule entry. If you select an Adjusted NAV Expense Rule Type of Ledger Activity, this field displays a value of Include Item, and you cannot change it. 

  • Exclude Item. The system excludes the rule entry. If you select an Adjusted NAV Expense Rule Type of NAV, this field displays a value of Exclude Item, and you cannot change it. 

Security ID


Specifies the primary asset ID, or identification number of the primary asset ID type for the security.

Security ID Type


Displays the primary asset identifier type for the security, such as CUSIP, ISIN, and SEDOL.

Long Short


Indicates that the entry for the selected rule applies only to long or short ledger amounts for the corresponding included or excluded component. If you do not specify a value, the rule entry applies to both long and short amounts. Options include

  • Long

  • Short

Security Type


Specifies the security type. This field appears when you set Expense Rule Component to Security Type. 

Processing Security Type


Specifies the code that the system uses to identify the type of security. For example, EQCSCS for common stock. This field appears when you set Expense Rule Component to Processing Security Type. 

Sub Security Type


Specifies the sub security type. This field appears when you set Expense Rule Component to Sub-Security Type. 

From General Ledger Account


Specifies the beginning general ledger account for the rule. The system applies the rule to a range of accounts based on the From General Ledger Account and To General Ledger Account fields.

To General Ledger Account


Specifies the ending general ledger account for the rule.

NOTE: When you specify a range of ledger accounts for a component in the adjusted NAV expense rule, you cannot choose a range of accounts from both balance sheet and income statement for a single row, or rule detail. That is, the From/To range can apply to accounts on the balance sheet or it can apply to accounts on the income statement.