Manage Adjusted NAV Expense Rules

Manage Adjusted NAV Expense Rules

You can add an adjusted NAV expense rule to a variable expense or a variable group expense to allow the system to retrieve an adjusted NAV Amount. An adjusted NAV expense rule is a user defined rule that provides the flexibility to determine the dollar amount used in a variable expense calculation. You can assign an adjusted NAV expense rule to one or more entities. 

An adjusted NAV expense rule defines the assets used to calculate a variable expense by either adjusting existing dollar based NAV components with exclusion criteria or by explicitly defining which ledger balances to use based on include/exclude criteria. You can set up a NAV based rule to use existing NAV components as the starting point from which to adjust net assets. Or you can set up a Ledger Based rule, which includes no NAV starting point. This is basically a query that calculates a new NAV value.


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