About Fixed Income Flag Fields

About Fixed Income Flag Fields

You can use the following fixed income flag fields when you set up fixed income securities for use with Eagle Accounting. 







Issue Price


Specifies the original issue price of the security. Issue Price is the price at which the security was initially offered. OID processing uses the issue price to calculate the adjusted issue price.

Trading Flat


Indicates whether the security is trading with or without interest. Options include:

  • Yes. The system does not calculate accrued interest purchased or sold at the time of the acquisition or disposition. In the event of a disposition mid-coupon, the system creates a coupon at the end of the coupon period based on the interest earned during the period.

  • No. The system calculates accrued interest purchased or sold at the time of the acquisition or disposition.

Convertible Indicator


Indicates whether the security is a convertible bond. Options include:

  • Yes. The security is a convertible bond. You must set up underlying security information by specifying a value in the Underlying Issue Name and Underlying Asset ID fields.

  • No. The security is not a convertible bond. The system does not allow you to set up the underlying security information.

OID Indicator


Indicates whether the security is OID (original issue discount) eligible. Options include:

  • Yes. The security is OID eligible. For this flag to be set to Yes, the value in the Issue Price field must be less than the value in the Maturity Price field. The value in the Maturity Price field cannot be 0.

  • No. The security is not OID eligible.

Index Offset/Conversion Ratio


Identifies the index offset or the conversion ratio. The system uses Index Offset in the calculation of the coupon for floating and inverse floating rate securities. Index Offset is the basis point adjustment to the underlying index, for the purpose of calculating the coupon rate of a security. For convertible bonds, this field represents the number of shares of stock that a convertible bond can convert into per 1,000 units of a bond.

Primary Exchange


Specifies the marketplace in which the security is traded.

The Primary Exchange field identifies the long name of the primary exchange on which the security trades. Tax Reclaim Processing uses the primary exchange to determine the applicable tax rate. As part of the installation process, Eagle Accounting provides a standard list of primary exchanges in the iEXCHANGE code category. When you populate the lookup for Primary Exchange, Eagle Accounting automatically populates a primary exchange code value with the corresponding primary code value. If you need to add additional Primary Exchanges, you can add an iEXCHANGE code category, using the Codes workspace.

Primary Exchange Code


Specifies the code of the marketplace in which the security is traded. It is also used with global tax withholding and tax reclaim processing.

The Primary Exchange Code field stores the code for the primary exchange on which the security trades. Primary Exchange Code is used in Tax Reclaim Processing to determine the applicable tax rate to apply during the earnings process. As part of the installation, Eagle Accounting provides a standard list of primary exchange codes in the iEXCHANGE code category. When you populate the lookup for Primary Exchange, Eagle Accounting automatically populates the Primary Exchange code value with the corresponding primary code value. If you need to add additional Primary Exchanges, you can add an iEXCHANGE code category, using the Codes workspace.

Default Indicator 


Indicates whether a bond is in default. The maturity process uses the default Indicator field to determine if a security should mature on maturity date. Options include:

  • Yes. The bond is in default. The system does not process the maturity transaction of the bond at the time of maturity.

  • No. The bond is not in default. The system processes the maturity transaction on the maturity date of the bond.

Default Date


Specifies the date on which the bond went into default. This field is for reporting only.

Zero Coupon Indicator


Indicates if a zero in the Coupon field represents a zero coupon bond. The system uses this field to determine if a zero in the Coupon field is for a zero coupon bond, principal only strip, or a discount bond. Options include:

  • Yes. The zero represents a zero coupon bond.

  • No. The zero does not represent a zero coupon bond.

Call Flag


Indicates whether the security has a call option. The Call Flag is also used in SEC Yield Processing. Options include:

  • Yes. The security has a call option. You need to add call information for the security so that the system can calculate the yield for the security during the earnings process. You must set this field to Yes to add a call corporate action.

  • No. The security does not have a call option.

Put Flag


Indicates whether the security has a put option. The Put Flag is also used in SEC Yield Processing. Options include:

  • Yes. The security has a put option. You need to add put information for the security so that the system can calculate the yield for the security during the earnings process. You must set this field to Yes to add a put corporate action.

  • No. The security does not have a put option.

Sink Fund Flag


Determines whether the security is eligible for sinking fund payments. Options include:

  • Yes. The security is eligible for sinking fund payments. You need to add sink information for the security so that the system can calculate the yield for the security during the earnings process. You must set this field to Yes to add a sink schedule corporate action.

  • No. The security is not eligible for sinking fund payments.

Pro Rata Sink


Indicates whether the security is a Pro Rata sinking fund. The system uses the Pro Rata Sink fund flag in conjunction with the Sinking Fund Payment Redemptions Gain/Loss Flag field in the Accounting Basis to determine if the entity/accounting basis and security combination should use the Capitalization method or record cost reduction for sinking fund payments as Gain/Loss or as Accelerated Amortization. Options include Yes and No.

Refund Indicator


Determines whether the security is eligible for pre-refunding, an entire issue call, or a mandatory put. If you select any of these options, you need to add a schedule for the security so that Eagle Accounting can calculate the yield for the security during the earnings process. For example, you can add a call, put, or refund scheduleOptions include:

  • None. Not applicable.

  • Pre-Refunded. The debt instrument is eligible for pre-refunding.

  • Entire Issue Call. The call option for the debt instrument applies to the entire issue.

  • Mandatory Put. The put option for the debt instrument is mandatory.

Federal Tax Indicator


Indicates whether the security has a U.S. Federal Tax Indicator. It is used in the SEC Yield calculation. Options include:

  • Yes. The security has a U.S. Federal Tax Indicator.

  • No. The security does not have a U.S. Federal Tax Indicator.

Maturity Price


Specifies the price at which the security returns principal. For an interest only security, the value is zero. For the majority of other debt issues, this value is 100.00.

CMO First Principal Repayment Date


Calculates cash flows for creating an amortization yield. This field is used when the security does not expect to repay scheduled and unscheduled principal for a certain period of time. If this field is populated, the system ignores the prepayment assumption calculation of unscheduled principal repayment. It also ignores calculating schedule principal repayment, and only calculates interest cash flow, until the date entered for this field. The system then applies scheduled and unscheduled principal payment and related interest cash flows.

Collateral Pool Type


Specifies the type of collateral assigned for the security. This field is for reference and reporting only.

Pool Number


Specifies the pool reference number. This field stores the pool number of the MBS/ABS security. Eagle Accounting uses the Pool field as a security lookup, and for reporting.

Amortization Accretion Rule Type


Specifies the amortization/accretion rule type. This field identifies the amortization rule defined for the security, if you need to differentiate amortization accretion methodology between securities that share a common processing security type. This amortization rule assignment level is above the tax lot level and below the Processing Security Type level. This field applies to long term bonds, short term bonds, and MBSs. For more information, see Manage Amortization and Yield Calculations.

Demand Feature


Specifies the demand day count in calendar days. This field is available in the Long Term Debt panel and the Short Term Debt panel. Eagle Accounting uses this value to support rolling demand logic as it determines days to maturity in the Weighted Average Maturity (WAM) report. It applies to long term variable rate, long term floating rate, short term variable rate, and short term floating rate securities. You can also use the Add Report Override panel to apply a demand override that influences the WAM report.

GL Product Code


Specifies the GL product code. The system uses this field if you calculate weighted average balance (WAB) for fixed income positions. You can assign this code to long and short term debt, mortgage-backed and equity securities.

Delay Days


Specifies the number of days between the end of the accrual period and the actual receipt of the coupon and principal payment. The system uses this value in the creation of coupons, paydown transactions, and payup transactions, as well as in the Cash Flow Projections report. Utilizes the Day Count Basis (tag 471) value to determine the actual receipts and settlements of the paydown and payup transactions.

Lottery Flag


Indicates whether the security is an MBS lottery bond. Lottery Bond functionality includes 1) Automatically setting the factor in the Trade panel to a Factor of 1, 2) Allowing you to establish a Call Corporate Action record, 3) Processing the Call transaction for the repayment of principal to the individual, and 4) Using a Factor of 1 for Retrospective Amortization for the period that amortization is to be calculated historically. Options include:

  • Yes. Eagle Accounting processes the MBS security as a lottery bond. 

  • No. Eagle Accounting does not process the MBS security as a lottery bond.

Time Sensitive Indicator


Applies to debt instruments and certain types of swaps. Specifies whether the security uses floating rate data that changes over time if you set the Coupon Type field to Floating Rate. Options include:

  • Yes. The security uses time sensitive information defined using SMF earnings time periods

  • No. Time-sensitive floating rate information does not apply to the security.

144A Eligible Indicator


Applies only to debt instruments. Identifies fixed income securities that are 144A eligible. Options include Yes or No. Used as reference only and has no effect on Eagle Accounting.

Private Registration


Applies only to long term debt instruments. Options include Yes or No. Used as reference only and has no effect on Eagle Accounting.

Minimum Piece


Applies only to long term debt instruments. Used as reference only and has no effect on Eagle Accounting.

Private Placement


Applies only to long term debt instruments. Options include Yes or No. Used as reference only and has no effect on Eagle Accounting.