Add Report Overrides

Add Report Overrides

In the Add Report Override panel, you can add a report override for use in the Weighted Average report. The Change Report Override, Delete Report Override, and List Report Override panels are also available for managing report overrides. 

To add a report override for the Weighted Average report:

  1. Do one of the following:
    - In Portfolio Data Center, in the left navigation pane, click Portfolio Desk > Accounting Portfolio Rules > Weighted Average Report Overrides > Add Report Override. 
    - In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Portfolio RulesWeighted Average Report Overrides > Add Report Override. 
    You see the Add Report Override panel.

  2. Complete the options on the Add Report Override panel.

  3. Click Submit.

Add Report Override Panel Options

In the Add Report Override panel, when you add a report override for the Weighted Average report, you can select various options based on the requirements of your business.







Entity Details



Entity ID


Specifies the unique account identifier of the entity associated with the report override. You can also specify a composite (COMP) to store report override rules for each individual underlying entity/fund of that composite.

Entity Name


Specifies the descriptive name of the entity.

Security Details



Asset ID Type


Specifies the primary asset identifier for the security, such as CUSIP, ISIN, and SEDOL.

Asset ID


Specifies the identification number of the primary asset ID type for the security. If you do not specify a security, you can define a report override based on security type, processing security type, issuer ID, issuer name, and/or issuer industry.

Issue Name


Specifies the name of the security.

Issuer ID


Specifies the identifier of the company or municipality that offered the security for sale. You can select an issuer ID without selecting an entity or security. 

Issuer Name


Specifies the name of the issuer. You can select an issuer name without selecting an entity or security.

NOTE:  The Report Override panel uses tag 1173 for Issuer ID Name whereas the SMF record stores it under tag 2285.

Issuer Industry


Specifies the industry of the issuer. You can select an issuer industry without selecting an entity or security. 

Security Description


Describes the security.



Specifies the system of letters used to uniquely identify the security.

Processing Security Type


Specifies the code value that the system uses to identify a security and determines what type of processing to perform. You can select a processing security type (PST) without selecting an entity or security. If you do specify a security, this field displays the processing security type for the selected security. 

Security Type


Specifies the type of security. You can select a security type without selecting an entity or security.

Report Override Details



Report Type


Identifies the type of Weighted Average report to which the report override applies. Options include: 

  • WAM. Indicates that the report override applies to the Weighted Average Maturity report. 

  • WAL. Indicates that the report override applies to the Weighted Average Life report. 

  • BOTH. Indicates that the report override applies to both the Weighted Average Maturity report and the Weighted Average Life report. 

Date Type


Describes the date type used for the report override. Options include: 

  • DEMAND. Identifies a report override for a demand date that the report can use to determine the calculation date.

  • DEMAND - CALL. Identifies a report override for a demand call date that the report can use to determine the calculation date.

  • DEMAND - PUT. Identifies a report override for a demand put date that the report can use to determine the calculation date.

  • DEMAND - STEP. Identifies a report override for a demand step date that the report can use to determine the calculation date.

  • DEMAND - REFUND. Identifies a report override for a demand refund date that the report can use to determine the calculation date.

  • 12 YEAR MAX MATURITY. Identifies a report override for maximum maturity, using a maximum WAM of 12 years (4380 days) on the Weighted Average report. This reflects a value of 12 years for the bond until the actual maturity is less than 12 years away from the report date. Once the maturity date is less than 12 years away, the actual maturity date is used as calculation date. You must also specify an issuer for the report override.

  • REFIX. Identifies a report override for a next refix date that the report can use to determine the calculation date. If you select this option and provide a null override value, the report ignores the demand feature during the calculation of days to maturity. If you select this option and supply the override value, the report uses this date as the next refix date. 

  • PROJECTION - REFIX DATE. If the Next Refix Date is not available, the report identifies an historic refix date in the Variable Rate table and calculates a refix date based on the security variable rate reset frequency. 

  • PROJECTION - COUPON DATE. If the Next Refix Date is not available, the report identifies the coupon date from the security and uses the coupon frequency to determine the next calculation date. 

  • PROJECTION. If the Next Refix Date is not available, the report uses a combination of the Projection - Refix Date option and the Projection - Coupon Date option. The report first looks to the refix projection and if it does not find an historic refix date, the report continues to the coupon date projection.

  • DEMAND MATURITY. Identifies a report override for a maturity date to use as calculation date. You must also specify an issuer for the report override. If you select this option and provide a null override value, the report uses the maturity date of the security from the Security Master Record. If you select this option and supply the override value, the report uses this date as the maturity date. Both options display Maturity Date under the report's Date Type field.

  • AVERAGE LIFE. Identifies a report override based on average life in years for use with TBA securities. The Weighted Average reports use the WAL field from the SECURITY_ANALYTICS table for the WAM/WAL calculation for each position. Because this field is stored in years, the report multiplies the WAL value by 365 and then rounds it to the nearest number of days. If a SECURITY_ANALYTICS record does not exist for the report run date, the system calculates the WAM/WAL to Maturity Date. When you select this option, you do not need to supply an override value. 

  • FIXED RATE EXPECTED MATURITY. Identifies a report override for any security where Coupon Type is equal to Fixed Rate (F) to use the expected maturity date to calculate WAM. The system uses the SECURITYDBO.MBS_DETAIL_EXT.MTG_END_PRINCPAL_WNDW_FOR_MATU field (tag 10316). If a date exists, the report displays the expected maturity date and labels it as Fixed Rate Exp Mat on the grid and Advanced profile reports. If no date exists, the report calculates to maturity date. When you select this option, you do not need to supply an override value. 

Override Days


Specifies the number of days to maturity to use as an override. You can specify a value for either the Override Days field or the Override Date field. 

Override Date


Specifies the maturity date to use as an override. You can specify a value for either the Override Days field or the Override Date field.