About Interest Rate Conversion Flags Fields

About Interest Rate Conversion Flags Fields

You can use the following interest rate conversion flag fields when you set up fixed income securities for use with Eagle Accounting. 







Convert Interest Rate


Indicates whether you can convert the fixed income security's reference interest rate from one rate quotation basis to another. For more information, see Convert a Security's Interest Rate from One Rate Quotation Basis to Another. Options include: 

  • Yes. You can convert the fixed income security's reference interest rate from one rate quotation basis to another.

  • No. Default. You cannot convert the fixed income security's reference interest rate from one rate quotation basis to another.

Rate Conversion Rule


Identifies the name of the rate conversion rule used to convert the fixed income security's reference interest rate from one rate quotation basis to another. The rate conversion rule determines the inputs of the conversion calculation. This field appears if you set the Convert Interest Rate field to Yes.

If you set up a floating rate or inverse floating rate security with a reference rate for an underlying index that converts the interest rate, this field displays the rate conversion rule you specified for the underlying index as the default value. Otherwise, you can select a rule. Options include:

  • Semi-annual 30/360 to Monthly 30/360 (6M30360IM30360). For use with assets such as Canadian MBS.

  • Discount ACT/360 to Daily ACT/365 (DRA360IDA365). For use with assets such as commodity total return swaps.