Book Impairment Adjustment Panel Options
In the Book Impairment Adjustment panel, you can select various options based on the requirements of your business when you process an impairment by amount, price, FX rate, or by price and FX rate. Options may vary according to your selections.
Option | Tag | Description |
Impairment Type |
Impairment Processing Flag | 16147 | Indicates whether to process the impairment for a position or a single lot. Options include:
Entity Information |
Select Entity/Grouping | 7005 | Indicates whether the impairment for the position applies to one or more entities and how to identify those entities. Options include:
Entity ID | 1163 | Specifies the unique identifier of the entity. |
Entity Name | 1164 | Specifies the name of the entity. |
Entity List Name | 1091 | Specifies the unique identifier of the entity list. |
Conversion Status | 3914 | Specifies the conversion value of the group of entities. |
Base Currency | 86 | Specifies the base currency to use if you select multiple entities for impairment processing and apply an impairment based on changes in foreign exchange rate. Otherwise, if you select a single entity for impairment processing or are applying an impairment based on criteria other than FX rate to multiple entities, this field displays the base currency of the entity. |
Partition Number | 95 | Specifies entity partition code if the impairment applies to the entities in a partition. |
Accounting Basis | 21 | Specifies the accounting basis for the entity or entities. If you select a single entity, the entity's primary basis appears by default, but you can change it. |
Security Information |
Impair by Option | 16148 | Indicates whether to process the impairment based on changes in price, foreign exchange rate, and/or amount. Options include:
Event Type | 157 | Specifies the business intent of the transaction. If you set the Impair by Option to Amount, options include Impairment and Cost Adjustment. Otherwise, this field displays a value of Impairment. |
Impairment Reason | 2921 | Identifies the reason code for the impairment, used for regulatory purposes. Based on your selection, you see various options in the Accounting Information section that affect processing. This option applies to impairments for any accounting basis other than STAT. Options include:
STAT Reason Code | 7002 | Hidden. Specifies the reason code for the impairment, used for regulatory purposes. This option applies only to impairments for any accounting basis of STAT. If you choose an accounting basis of STAT, the panel hides the Impairment Reason field and shows the STAT Reason Code field. It stores the value entered as the STAT Reason Code in the Impairment Reason field.
End Date | 221 | Specifies the end of period date. |
Write-up/Write-down Switch | 7001 | If you are entering an impairment, this value indicates whether you are performing a write-up or write-down. If you are entering a cost adjustment, this value indicates whether the adjustment increases or decreases the cost basis. Options include:
Long/Short Indicator | 15 | If you are impairing based on an amount, this value indicates whether the position you are adjusting is Long (L) or Short (S). Select this value before you select a security because your choice affects the entries available in the security lookup. Otherwise, if you impair based on price and/or FX, you cannot change this value. Options include:
Cross Reference Type | 1234 | Specifies the cross reference or primary asset identifier type for the security, such as CUSIP, ISIN, and SEDOL. |
Cross Reference ID | 1233 | Specifies the cross reference security type, such as SEDOL, CUSIP, and so on. |
Issue Name | 961 | Specifies the name of the security. |
Ticker | 13 | Specifies the system of letters used to uniquely identify the security. |
Instrument Type | 11 | Displays the security's investment type. For example, FI (fixed income). |
Security Type | 82 | Displays the type of security. |
Issue Currency | 85 | Displays the currency in which the security is priced. |
Maturity Date | 38 | Displays the date that the security repays all outstanding principal and stops earning interest. This field appears if you select a fixed income security. |
Accounting Information |
Choose Open Lot | 962 | Allows you to select an open lot for impairment processing. The lookup displays a list of open lots that met your criteria. When you select a lot, you see additional fields that provide information about that lot. |
Lot Impairment Processing Flag | 16149 | Indicates whether to process the position-level impairment for all lots or only for lots that need to have amortized cost (book value) decreased due to a fall in the local market value or devaluation of the local to base FX rate. Options include:
Transfer Method | 1872 | If you use International Financial Regulatory Standards (IFRS), this value can indicate that you are adjusting entities related to a regulatory class (REGR) made during conversion. A regulatory reclass occurs when you use Eagle Accounting to convert financial assets from an old (IAS 39) IFRS regulatory category to a new (IFRS 9) IFRS regulatory category of Amortized Cost, Fair Value - Other Comprehensive Income, or Fair Value Profit Loss. For example, you move assets from Available for Sale to Amortized Cost. This field appears if you set the Impair by Option to a value of FX or a value of Both Price and FX and the entity has a regulatory category assigned. Options include Regulatory Reclass. |
Acquisition Date | 216 | Displays the original acquisition date for the selected open lot. |
Effective Date | 35 | Specifies the effective date as of which the amortized cost is impaired. This is the trade date of the impairment transaction. You must specify a date less than or equal to the current date. The current date is default value. |
Accounting Date | 36 | Specifies the date the trade is reported. The accounting date must be greater than the effective date. |
Settlement Date | 37 | Specifies the date the trade is settled. |
Monthly Accounting Date | 4733 | Displays the month end accounting date. |
Target Event ID | 26 | Displays the target event ID for the selected open lot. |
Trade Quantity | 159 | Displays the quantity for the selected open lot. |
Unit Price ( | 160 | Displays the price of the security per unit for the selected open lot. |
Local Original Cost | 162 | Displays the total cost of the executed trade for the selected open lot in local currency. |
Base Original Cost | 166 | Displays the total cost of the executed trade in base currency for the selected open lot. |
Local Current Cost | 128 | Displays the current identified cost basis in local currency. |
Base Current Cost | 129 | Displays the current identified cost basis in base currency. |
Cost Amortized ID Local | 2689 | Displays the amortized identified cost in local currency. |
Cost Amortized ID Base | 2690 | Displays the amortized identified cost in base currency. |
Credit/Noncredit Loss Processing | 16158 | Indicates whether to include credit/non-credit losses for fixed income holdings for the impairment when you impair by price for a position. Options include:
Credit Price | 16150 | Specifies the price to use for calculating credit/non-credit losses. |
Noncredit Price | 7840 | Specifies the non-credit price, Non-credit loss is equal to the difference between the non-credit price and the credit price. |
FMV Price | 45 | Specifies the impairment price or fair market value price of the security by unit. This is the unit price to which amortized cost is impaired. The system uses this value to calculate the impairment amount or non-credit loss. If you impair a single entity based on price, you see the latest available local market price of the security as of the selected effective date, but you can override that price. If you are impairing multiple entities based on price, you do not see a default value because there may be different price sources. |
Maturity Price Override | 2714 | Specifies the maturity price to use for amortization in place of the security reference amortization price. Earnings processing recognizes this value as the amortization price in place of the security reference maturity price and applies the maturity price override to all held lots. In addition, if you enter a maturity price override, Eagle Accounting ignores all call/put schedules when calculating amortization and future cash flows. This field appears if you set the Impair by Option to a value of Price or to a value of Both Price and FX. |
Local Cost Adjustment | 7350 | Specifies the amount of the local cost adjustment for the impairment or cost adjustment. For non-STAT bases, the impairment's total local cost adjustment is equal to the credit loss. For STAT bases, the impairment's local cost adjustment value is equal to the sum of the credit and non-credit loss amounts. This entire amount impacts amortized cost for impairments. |
Credit Loss Local Adjustment | 7358 | Specifies the amount of the local credit loss adjustment for the impairment. For non-STAT accounting bases, this value be must equal to the value specified for the Local Cost Adjustment field. For STAT accounting bases with a regulatory category of Held to Maturity, the sum of the Credit Loss Local Adjustment value and the Non-Credit Loss Local Adjustment value must be equal to the total impairment amount. |
Non-Credit Loss Local Adjustment | 7359 | Specifies the amount of the local non-credit loss adjustment for the impairment. For non-STAT accounting bases, this value cannot exceed the amortized cost value on the lot. For STAT accounting bases with a regulatory category of Held to Maturity, the sum of the Credit Loss Local Adjustment value and the Non-Credit Loss Local Adjustment value must be equal to the total impairment amount. |
Local to Base FX Rate | 87 | Specifies the asset currency to portfolio base currency exchange rate. This value is expressed as units of asset currency to one unit of portfolio base currency. The system uses this impairment FX rate to calculate the impairment amount. If you impair a single entity based on FX rate, you see the latest available local to base FX rate as of the selected effective date, but you can override that rate. If you are impairing multiple entities based on FX rate, you do not see a default value because there may be different FX sources. |
Existing Amortized Non-Credit Loss Local | 7356 | Displays the non-credit local amount that you are closing out with a non-credit loss reversal. |
Existing Amortized Non-Credit Loss Base | 7357 | Displays the non-credit base amount that you are closing out with a non-credit loss reversal. |
Other Information |
Original Trade Ticket Number | 761 | Specifies the origin of the trade ticket number for the lot. |
Transaction Notes | 56 | Specifies comments about the transaction. |
Cost Offset Amount | 1728 | Allows you to post ledger entries to gain/loss, amortization, or a specified offset account. Options include:
Reason | 1828 | Indicates the reason for the impairment or cost adjustment. The lookup shows codes for the REC_DEL_ACCTS code category to describe the offset account. |
Offset Accounting Number | 1825 | Specifies the offset account for the impairment or cost adjustment. |
Recalculate Yield | 1257 | Determines whether impairment processing runs prospective amortization and prospectively recalculates the yield. Options include:
Bypass Earnings Replay | 11793 | Determines whether the system suppresses income rollback replay when it processes multiple impairments for a prior date. This can help improve system performance because earnings does not replay multiple times unnecessarily. This field appears only if you select a fixed income security. Options include: