Report on Impairments

Report on Impairments

When you use impairments, the following reports in Eagle's Investment Accounting standard report package can display impairment information.

  • OTTI Impairment Report. The Other Than Temporary Impairments (OTTI) report for debt securities provides the beginning and ending balances of impairments for non-credit losses recognized in other comprehensive income (OCI), impairments recognized in income, amortization of non-credit losses, and non-credit losses reversed from OCI due to: (a) sales, (b) intent to sell, (c) more likely than not required to sell.

  • Holdings Report. The Holdings report displays the position records for a given entity and date for securities and underlying securities. You can select position level or lot level information. You can view securities with underlying securities and/or select securities with other than temporary impairments (OTTI). This shows impaired securities and their base and local amortized cost.