Classify and Resolve Breaks

Classify and Resolve Breaks

Team members can use the Position Recon console to classify their break assignments. When reconciling using MSGCENTER work tables, team members can also manually match breaks, or un-match and then re-match breaks, to manually resolve break assignments.

Classify Breaks

Team members can classify the break after completing preliminary research.

To classify breaks:

  1. From the Position Recon console, click the Query Result tab for the Result Positions report.
    You see the recent report results.

  2. Select the rows to classify and right click Audit action.
    You see the Audit Action dialog box.

  3. Select the Category field and choose from the list of predefined categories.
    You can optionally enter a free-form value for Category.

  4. Select the Sub-Category field and choose from the list of predefined sub-categories within the Category selected.

  5. Click Submit to update the selected breaks with Category and Sub-Category details.

The predefined Category list is defined under Code Category RECON_CATEGS. The Code Value Description field defines values presented on the Category field. The Code Value field defines an associated Code Category with values presented on the Sub-Category field.

Manually Resolve Breaks (Local only)

When using MSGCENTER work tables, you can:

  • Manually identify matches.

  • Manually break an automated match and re-match to a different position.

You can locate matches when the keys used for the automatic reconciliation were unequal but the positions actually correspond to available unmatched positions.

To manually locate a matching custodian position while viewing an Eagle STAR record:

  1. From the Position Recon console, click the Positions query result tab.
    You see the recent report results.

  2. Select the Eagle STAR out of balance record of interest and right click Locate Custody Position.
    You see the Locate Result Positions Dialog box.

  3. Click Locate Result Positions.
    You see the Locate Instances by Query dialog box with the entity information defaulted to the same entity as the Eagle STAR position.

  4. Change the query qualifications as required to locate likely matches.

  5. Click Locate.
    The Locate Result Positions Dialog box re-appears with the Located Result Positions section populated with matches to the query. If no matches, the message "query returned no data" appears.

  6. Scroll to the located custody position, noting that the Result Position Details section changes to match your selection.

  7. When you have a visual match to your satisfaction, click Reconcile to "manual match" the two positions.
    When you refresh the Position Results report, you see the status updated to "Manual Recon" per your action.

Manually Un-Match an Automated Break (Local only)

To manually locate a matching Eagle STAR position while viewing a Custodian record:

  1. From the Custody Position query result tab, select the custodian out of balance record of interest and right click Locate Position.
    You see the Locate Result Positions Dialog box.

  2. Follow the instructions provided for Locate Result Custody Positions, noting that references to Positions and Custody Positions are now juxtaposed. See the Locate Result Custody Positions section for details.

  3. You can not reconcile items already automatically reconciled until you first reverse the automatic match. And, once no longer matched, you can re-match to a different position based on new research.

To "un-match" a recon match result posted by Run Match Now:

  1. From the Query Result tab for the Result Positions report, after selecting the result with an auto reconciled status, right click Mark as NOT Reconciled.
    You see the Mark as NOT Reconciled dialog box.

  2. Complete the Comment information. You can optionally post new information for Assigned To User, Category, and Sub-Category fields, then click Submit to un-match the result.
    The Position Result refreshes, displaying "not reconed" for the break status.

When the position is "not reconed," you can return to reconciled status by using the Mark as Reconciled option to change the status to "manual recon". You can also use the Locate positions function to pair with the appropriate match.