IFRS Disclosure and Fair Value Reports


Eagle Accounting provides several International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Disclosure reports to support the IFRS 9 standards for the accounting of financial assets and financial liabilities and the reporting of amortized costs and impairments.

Eagle Accounting offers the following IFRS Disclosure Reports:

  • IFRS Carrying Value & Fair Value of Financial Assets & Financial Liabilities

  • IFRS Investment Income For Financial Assets & Financial Liabilities

  • IFRS Unrealized Gains/Losses

  • IFRS Reclassifications Between Investment Categories

  • IFRS Contractual Maturities of Securities by Carrying Value

  • IFRS Disclosure for Gross Continuous Months of Unrealized Losses

  • IFRS Gross Continuous Months of Unrealized Losses

  • IFRS Statement of Other Comprehensive Income

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