Manage Account Cross References

Manage Account Cross References

In the Create Account XReference panel, you can add account cross reference information by entity xref type. An account cross reference is used to determine the system's internal entity ID when only the external system account number or custodian account number is available. You can qualify the xref type by share class.

To create an account cross reference:

  1. Do one of the following: 
    - In Portfolio Data Center, in the left navigation pane, click Portfolio Desk Accounting Portfolio Setup > Entity XReference Create Account XReference.
    - In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup Portfolio Setup > Entity XReference Create Account XReference.
    You see the Create Account XReference panel.

  2. In the Lookup Entity section, enter a value in one or more lookup fields to uniquely identify the entity to update with cross reference information.
    You can specify a value in the Lookup Entity ID field, Lookup Entity Name field, Lookup Entity Long Name field, Lookup Entity Code field, and/or Lookup Entity Legal Name field.

  3. In the Source System Identifier field, select the cross reference type.
    You can select any code value defined for the IENTITYTYPE code category. To use a new value, you must first add the code value for the IENTITYTYPE code category.

  4. In the Source System Account Number field, specify the alternate alphanumeric identifier of the entity.
    This value must not contain any blank spaces.

  5. In the Share Class field, specify a valid share class, if appropriate.

  6. Click Submit.