Cancel Wash Sale Adjustments
In the Cancel Wash Sale Adjustment panel, you can cancel a manual wash sale adjustment.
To cancel a wash sale adjustment:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions> Adjustments> Cost Adjustments > Cancel Wash Sale Adjustment.
You see the Cancel Wash Sale Adjustment panel.Complete the options on the Cancel Wash Sale Adjustment panel.
Click Submit.
Cancel Wash Sale Adjustment Panel Options
The following are the options on the Cancel Wash Sale Adjustment panel. Note options may vary according to your selections.
Option | Tag | Description |
Entity Information |
Entity ID | 1163 | Specifies the unique identifier of the entity. |
Entity Name | 1164 | Specifies the name of the entity. |
Base Currency | 86 | Displays the base currency of the entity/accounting basis. |
Accounting Basis | 21 | Specifies the primary accounting basis for the entity. |
Issue Information |
Manual Wash Sale Type | 157 | Specifies the type of manual wash sale adjustment you are cancelling. Options include
Event Type | 55 | Displays the business intent of the cancel transaction. Shows a value of CANCEL. |
Begin Date | 220 | Defines the begin date, which identifies the first trade date used to display trades in the Choose Trade to Cancel field (tag 962) lookup. |
Long/Short Indicator | 15 | Specifies whether the position is long or short. Options include:
XRef Type | 1234 | Specifies the cross reference type associated with the security. |
Issue Name | 961 | Specifies the name of the security. |
Ticker | 13 | Specifies the trade ticker of the security. |
XRef ID | 1233 | Specifies the cross reference identifier associated with the security. |
Instrument Type | 11 | Displays the instrument type, such as cash, equity, or fixed income. |
Security Type | 82 | Displays the security type of the asset. |
Processing Security Type | 3931 | Displays the code that the system uses to identify the type of security you specified. For example, EQCSCS, for common stock. |
Asset ID | 10 | Displays the asset identifier, the internal number assigned to each asset. |
Issue Currency | 85 | Displays the local currency of the security. |
Cancel Wash Sale Adj Detail |
Choose Lot to Cancel | 962 | Allows you to select the trade associated with the manual wash sale adjustments that you want to cancel. The lookup displays trades that met your criteria, ordered by the Event ID and describing the Trade Date, Orig B Disallowance, Orig L Disallowance, and Trade Ticket Number. |
Cancel Effective Date | 35 | Displays the trade date. |
Cancel Accounting Date | 36 | Allows you to override the accounting date. |
Cancel Monthly Accounting Date | 4733 | Displays the month end reporting date of the cancellation. |
Original Accounting Date | 7560 | Displays the original accounting date. |
Original Monthly Accounting Date | 7561 | Displays the original month end accounting date. |
Orig Washsale Disallowance L | 3847 | Displays the original disallowed loss of a wash sale transaction, local currency. |
Orig Washsale Disallowance B | 3847 | Displays the original disallowed loss of a wash sale transaction, base currency. |
Washsale Orig Open Evt Id | 3862 | Displays the event ID of the lot sold prior to a wash sale. |
Target Event Type | 502 | Displays the event type being cancelled. |
Washsale Open Lot Flag | 4916 | Displays whether the target open lot was identified on the transaction or if the system generated the target open lot. Display options include:
Washsale Close Security Alias | 4911 | Displays the security alias of the close security in a wash sale transaction. The system uses this value if the loss is from a close lot of a different security. |
Target Event ID | 26 | Displays the target event identifier. |
Other Information |
Transaction Notes | 56 | Allows you to define the reason for the manual wash sale adjustment cancellation. |