Book Wash Sale Adjustments

In the Book Wash Sale Adjustment panel, you can adjust a wash sale.

To book a wash sale adjustment:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Adjustments > Cost Adjustments > Book Wash Sale Adjustment.
    You see the Book Wash Sale Adjustment panel.

  2. Complete the options on the Book Wash Sale Adjustment panel.

  3. Click Submit.

Book Wash Sale Adjustment Panel Options

The following are the options on the Book Wash Sale Adjustment panel. Note options may vary according to your selections. 







Entity Information



Entity ID


Specifies the unique identifier of the entity.

Entity Name


Specifies the name of the entity.

Accounting Basis


Specifies the primary accounting basis for the entity.

Base Currency


Displays the base currency of the entity/accounting basis.

Wash Sale Inhibit Ind


Displays whether the system can apply the wash sale rule to trades for the entity/accounting basis. Options include:

  • Y. Indicates that the system does not process wash sales, regardless of the value you specify for the Wash Sale Eligible Flag field (tag 59) on a trade panel.

  • N. Indicates that the system uses the value you specify for the Wash Sale Eligible Flag field on the trade panel to determine whether to process wash sales.

Begin Trade Date


Defines the begin date, which identifies the first trade date used to display open lots in the Choose Lot to Change field (tag 7014) lookup.

End Trade Date


Defines the end date, which identifies the last trade date used to display open lots in the Choose Lot to Change field (tag 7014) lookup.

Event Information



Manual Wash Sale Type


Specifies the type of manual wash sale adjustment you are adding. After you select a value, additional fields become available in the panel. Options include

  • Open Lot Adjustment. Lets you adjust a targeted open lot when no close lot is present. See the About Open Lot Wash Sale Adjustments section for more information.

  • Substantially Identical Wash Sale. Lets you disallow a loss from a lot in one security to a lot or lots in a different security. See the About Substantially Identical Wash Sale Adjustments section for more information.

  • Single Security Wash Sale. Lets you disallow a loss from a target close lot on a basis that is not eligible for wash sales processing. See the About Single Security Wash Sale Adjustments section for more information.

Trade Ticket Number


Contains the trade ticket identification number. The system uses it during processing. For example, IDLOT close or cancel events use this number to locate an open lot.

CLOSE Issue Details



Cross Reference Type


Specifies the cross reference type associated with the security associated with the close lot. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

Issue Name


Specifies the name of the security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.



Specifies the trade ticker of the security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

Cross Reference ID


Specifies the cross reference identifier associated with the security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

Primary Asset ID


Displays the primary asset identifier for the security.
This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

Asset ID


Displays the asset identifier, the internal number assigned to each asset. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

Instrument Type


Displays the instrument type, such as cash, equity, or fixed income. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

Security Type


Displays the security type of the asset. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

Issue Currency


Displays the local currency of the security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

Quantity Scale


Displays the quantity multiplier. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

Price Multiplier


Displays the price factor. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

CLOSE Lot Information



Choose Lot to Change


Allows you to select the close lot for the manual wash sale adjustment. The lookup displays close lots that met your criteria, ordered by the Close Event ID and describing the Receive Date, Close Qty, and Loss Amt. You must select a position/lot value that is eligible for disallowance. The lot's Qty Wash Elig field (tag 405) must identify wash eligible quantity available and the Loss Sec Curr B field (tag 402) must reflect a base loss to be disallowed. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale.

OPEN Issue Details



Cross Reference Type


Displays the cross reference type associated with the security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment or Substantially Identical Wash Sale.

Issue Name


Specifies the name of the security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment or Substantially Identical Wash Sale.



Specifies the trade ticker of the security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment or Substantially Identical Wash Sale.

Cross Reference ID


Specifies the cross reference identifier associated with the security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment or Substantially Identical Wash Sale.

Primary Asset ID


Displays the primary asset identifier for the security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment or Substantially Identical Wash Sale.

Asset ID


Displays the asset identifier, the internal number assigned to each asset. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment or Substantially Identical Wash Sale.

Quantity Type


Specifies the quantity generally accepted as a standard for exchanges, such as shares and par. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale.

Instrument Type


Displays the instrument type, such as cash, equity, or fixed income. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Security Type


Displays the security type of the asset. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Issue Currency


Displays the local currency of the security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment or Substantially Identical Wash Sale.

Quantity Scale


Displays the quantity multiplier. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale.

Price Multiplier


Displays the price factor. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale.

OPEN Lot Information



Washsale Open Lot Flag


Specifies whether the target open lot is identified on the transaction or if the system generates the target open lot. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale. Options include:

  • User Defined Open. Allows you to specify a target open lot. If you select this option, additional fields appear so you can choose the target open lot.

  • System Defined. The system determines the target open or opens for which to disallow the loss. Qualifying open lots are those that took place before the target close lot. Due to rollback/replay, the system rolls back to the date of the target close lot and determines eligibility based on any activity that occurred prior to that date.

Choose Lot to Change


Allows you to select the open lot for the manual wash sale adjustment.
If you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment, the lookup displays open lots that met your security and date range criteria, ordered by the Open Event ID and describing the Open Hld Per Date, Current Quantity, Qty Wash Eligible, and Trade Ticket Number. The lookup excludes lots that have been fully closed, where the Current Quantity field (tag 163) has a value of 0, and excludes lots with no wash eligible quantity (tag 405).
If you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale, the system determines available lots based on the trade date of the close transaction. The lookup excludes lots that have no wash eligible quantity on the open lot and excludes lots that have already received disallowance.
If you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Single Security Wash Sale, the system determines available lots based on the trade date of the close transaction, and displays only those lots that have wash eligible quantity on the open lot.

Open Trade Ticket Number


Displays the trade ticket identification number for the selected open lot. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Trade Date


Displays the effective date of the trade. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Accounting Date


Displays the date the trade is reported and has an effect on the entity's holdings and cash balances. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Monthly Accounting Date


Displays the month end accounting date. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Settlement Date


Displays the date the trade is settled. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Quantity Orig


Displays the original quantity for the open lot. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Current Quantity


Displays the current quantity for the open lot. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Open Hld Per Date


Displays the open holding period date for the open lot. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Adjusted Open Hld Per Date


Specifies the adjusted open holding period date for the open lot. This field initially displays the lot date. You can change the value if you are modifying the holding period date from the wash sale transaction. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Cash Event Type


Displays the cash event type. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Local Net Amount


Displays the net amount of the transaction in local currency. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Settlement Currency


Displays the currency in which the trade is settled. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Local to Base FX Rate


Displays the foreign exchange rate used to calculate the net base amount. The value must be greater than zero. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Base Net Amount


Displays the base amount of the trade. This amount is calculated based on the following formula: Local Net Amount / Local to Base FX Rate. The value must be greater than zero. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Target Event ID


Displays the target event ID. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Qty Wash Eligible


Displays the wash eligible quantity for the open lot. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Existing Local Disallowance


Displays the existing local disallowance for the open lot. This field appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. It also appears when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Substantially Identical Wash Sale or Single Security Wash Sale and also set the Washsale Open Lot Flag field to User Defined Open.

Wash Sales Fields



Washsale Close Trade Date


Specifies the trade date of the sell generating the disallowed loss. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Current Washsale Disallowance B


Specifies the disallowed loss of a wash sale transaction, base currency. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Current Washsale Disallowance L


Specifies the disallowed loss of a wash sale transaction, local currency. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Adj Fx Rate


Displays the Fx rate used for the wash sale adjustment. By default, this field displays the Fx rate of the open lot. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Adj Trade Date


Displays the trade date for the wash sale adjustment. By default, this field displays the latter value of either the open lot trade date or the wash sale close trade date. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Adj Accounting Date


Displays the accounting date for the wash sale adjustment. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Adj Settlement Date


Displays the settlement date for the wash sale adjustment. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Wash Sale - Open Lot with Disallowance Information



Washsale Disallowance Term


Specifies whether a short term (ST) or long term (LT) close is washed. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment. Options include:

  • Short Term

  • Long Term

Washsale Trade Ticket Number


Specifies the trade ticket number of the transaction that caused the wash sale. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Wash Sale - Close Trade Information



Washsale Close Event ID


Specifies the Event ID of the close that generated the loss prior to a disallowance. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Close Trade Ticket Number


Specifies the trade ticket ID of the sell generating the disallowed loss. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Close Event Type


Specifies the event type of the close event creating the loss being disallowed. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Close Security Alias


Specifies the security alias of the close security in a wash sale transaction. The system uses this value if the loss is from a close lot of a different security. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Close Post Date


Specifies the post date of the close event creating the loss being disallowed. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Close Acct Date


Specifies the accounting date of the close event creating the loss being disallowed. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Close monthly Accounting Date


Specifies the monthly accounting date of the close event creating the loss being disallowed. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Total Close Quantity


Specifies the total trade quantity of a close trade, that is, the sum of all disposal lots created by a close. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Close Quantity


Specifies the total units of the original close lot for the wash sale. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Total Cls Loss B


Specifies the value stored on the open lot to represent the total lot level base loss of the close being relieved. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Total Cls Loss L


Specifies the value stored on the open lot to represent the total lot level local loss of the close being relieved. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Wash Sale - Original Open Lot that was Closed Information



Washsale Open Holding Date


Specifies the adjusted holding period of the sold lot creating the original disallowance. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Original Open Event ID


Specifies the event ID of the lot sold prior to a wash sale. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Original Open Trade Ticket Number


Specifies the trade ticket number of the lot sold prior to a wash sale transaction. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.

Washsale Original Acquisition Date


Specifies the acquisition date of the sold lot creating the loss prior to a wash sale. This field appears only when you set the Manual Wash Sale Type field to Open Lot Adjustment.