Set Up the Max Items Composite Field for Maximum Grid Rows Displayed

The Max Items Composite field in Position Viewer’s Search Details pane identifies the maximum number of rows that can appear in your Position Viewer grid results, allowing you to better view items that meet your search criteria. The Max Items Composite field’s default value for the maximum number of rows to display and your ability to override the default value with a lower number of rows can vary based on two options within the Center Role for Accounting Center assigned to your user account.

In User Administration, an administrator can define the default value for the maximum number of rows that appears in the grid results for a set of users and can also determine whether those users can change that default value on an ad hoc basis. For general information about maintaining Center Roles, see .

The following options related to the maximum rows you can view in Position Viewer are available in User Administration. You can set them up in the Center Role for Accounting Center, in the General tab, under Position Viewer. These options include:

  • Allow Change Max Rows Check Box. You can select the Allow Change Max Rows check box if users assigned the Accounting Center Center Role are allowed to update the maximum number of rows displayed in the Position Viewer results by changing the Max Items Composite field default value on an ad hoc basis. If you select the Allow Change Max Rows check box for a Center Role, the related Position Viewer user can change the Max Items Composite field value at any time, so long as that value does not exceed the Default Max Rows field value defined for the Center Role. Otherwise, if the Position Viewer user has a user account with a Center Role where the Allow Change Max Rows check box is cleared, the Position Viewer user cannot change the Max Items Composite field value in the Search Details pane.

  • Default Max Rows Field. You can enter a value in the Default Max Rows field to specify the default maximum number of rows to display in Position Viewer results for users assigned the Accounting Center Center Role. The default value for the Default Max Rows field is 100, but you can change it. The Default Max Rows value you choose in User Administration appears as the Max Items Composite field’s default value in Position Viewer for users assigned that Center Role.

After your administrator saves the changes in User Administration, the updates takes effect in Position Viewer after you close and reopen Accounting Center.

If you enter search criteria in Position Viewer and your results exceed the maximum number of rows allowed, the system loads the maximum number of allowed rows and displays a Warning message. For example: Warning: Number of rows reached max items option (value=100). It is possible there are more data in the database.