About Year-End Closeouts for the Equity Method of Accounting

When you use the equity method of accounting, core year-end closeout rules can move Unrealized G/L, FX G/L, and Income G/L, along with Undistributed Income, into Accumulated accounts. Accounts are available for Unrealized market and currency Gain/Loss for the Equity Method type transactions, as well as an Unrealized Income/Loss account and Undistributed Investment Income. The core STAR year-end closeout process includes entries from these accounts into the following four Accumulated Unrealized accounts:

  • 3003000335 – Accumulated Unrealized Gain/Loss Allocated to Capital. Closes out Unrealized Gain/Loss Allocated to Capital accounts. 3003000331 – 3003000332 closed out to 3003000335

  • 3003000336 – Accumulated Unrealized Currency Gain/Loss Allocated to Capital. Closes out Unrealized Currency Gain/Loss Allocated to Capital accounts. 3003000333 – 3003000334 closed out to 3003000336

  • 3003000337 – Accumulated UNREALIZED INCOME/LOSS. Closes out UNREALIZED INCOME/LOSS/Loss capital account. 3003000401 closed out to 3003000337. 

  • 3003000338 – Accumulated Undistributed Investment Income. Closes out Undistributed Investment Income account. 4001000107 closed out to 3003000338

For general information about the year-end closeout process, see Manage Year End Processing.Â