Convert a Position to the Equity Method of Accounting
In the Convert Positions Equity Method panel, you can convert a position from another system to the Eagle Accounting system when it uses the equity method of accounting. You can convert a position for a common stock or Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership security for all accounting bases converting the asset to Eagle Accounting.
The Convert Positions Equity Method panel differs from the Conversion of Position to Eagle STAR panel that you can access in the Book Trade tool. The Conversion of Position to Eagle STAR panel processes for each accounting basis individually. In contrast, the Convert Positions Equity Method panel allows you to convert multiple accounting bases at a time for the position.
This page assumes you are familiar with the entity and security level elections that have been made for processing a common stock or Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership security when you use the equity method of accounting.
To manually convert a position to the equity method of accounting:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Equity Method > Convert Positions Equity Method.
You see the Convert Positions Equity Method panel.Under Entity Information, select the entity and accounting basis associated with the equity method of accounting where you are converting the position.
When you select an entity, you see a row for each of the entity's accounting bases. You must select an entity with at least one accounting basis with an Equity Method Treatment of Other or STAT assigned.Under Issue Information, enter the effective date and accounting date on which the conversion becomes effective, and select the security.
Complete the remaining options on the panel.
Different fields become available based on whether the basis uses the STAT or Other accounting treatment.Click Submit.
The system submits an ECCONV event.
After the conversion, the position is ready for processing using the new EMA/STAR accounting method selected going forward. You must use the Equity Method transactions to maintain EMA positions rather than entering open, close, and income adjustment transactions through the Book Trade tool.
Convert Positions Equity Method Panel Options
The following are the key options in the Convert Positions Equity Method panel. Note options may vary according to your selections.
Option | Tag | Description |
Entity Information |
Entity ID | 1163 | Specifies the unique identifier of the entity. |
Entity Name | 1164 | Specifies the name of the entity. |
Base Currency | 86 | Displays the base currency of the entity. |
Accounting Basis | 21 | Specifies the primary accounting basis for the entity by default. After you select an entity, a row for each accounting basis associated with the entity appears in the lower pane. |
EMA Treatment | 16084 | Displays the Equity Method Treatment field value for the selected accounting basis, which identifies the treatment of assets held under the equity method of accounting. Options include:
Issue Information |
Conversion Date | 35 | Specifies the effective date of the conversion. |
Accounting Date | 36 | Specifies the date the conversion is reported and has an effect on the entity's holdings and cash balances. The accounting date must be greater than the trade date. |
Monthly Accounting Date | 4733 | Displays the month end accounting date. |
Settle Date/Begin Accrual Date | 37 | Specifies the settlement date for the conversion. Accruals in Eagle Accounting can begin on this date. |
Event Type | 55 | Displays the business intent of the transaction. For example, ECCONV. |
Long/Short Indicator | 15 | Displays an L (long) or S (short) to indicate whether the position is long or short. |
Issue Name | 961 | Specifies the name of the security. You can choose a security with a processing security type of Common Stock (EQCSCS) or Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership (JVLCLP). |
Ticker | 13 | Specifies the trade ticker of the security. |
Xref Type | 1234 | Specifies the cross reference type associated with the security. |
Xref ID | 1233 | Specifies the cross reference identifier associated with the security. |
Instrument Type | 11 | Displays the instrument type. A security with a processing security type of Common Stock (EQCSCS) has an Instrument Type of Equity (EQ). A security with a Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership (JVLCLP) processing security type has an Investment Type of Equity/Cost Method (EC), |
Security Type | 82 | Displays the security type of the asset. |
Issue Currency | 85 | Displays the local currency of the security. |
Quantity Type | 12 | Displays the quantity generally accepted as a standard for exchange for the security. When you select a security with a processing security type for Common Stock (EQCSCS), this field displays Shares. When you select a security with a processing security type of JVLCLP (Joint Venture/Limited Liability/Partnership), values can include Shares, Units, or Percentage. |
Equity/Cost Method |
Current Position EMA/Cost Flag | 7008 | Displays the current accounting method associated with the equity method of accounting assigned to the selected accounting basis/security on the specified accounting date and effective date. For example, you see EMA for Equity Method or STAR for core STAR accounting method. |
New Accounting Method | 7001 | Specifies the new accounting method you are choosing for a position with an EMA Treatment of STAT for the selected accounting basis. This field appears if the EMA Treatment field has a value of STAT. Options include:
New Accounting Method | 7002 | Specifies the new accounting method you are choosing for a position with an EMA Treatment of Other for the selected accounting basis. This field appears if the EMA Treatment field has a value of Other. Options include:
EMA/Cost Flag | 16092 | Displays the accounting method the system assigns as a result of the conversion for the accounting basis/security. Values include Equity Method (EMA) for equity method of accounting, or the STAR method of accounting. |
Original Trade Information |
Original Acquisition Date | 216 | Specifies the date that the position was originally acquired. |
Holding Period Date | 164 | Specifies the holding period date for the position. |
Original Settlement Date | 154 | Specifies the original settlement date for the lots converted to Eagle Accounting. |
Conversion Information Local |
Quantity | 40 | Specifies the traded quantity of the security. The value must be greater than zero. This field appears if the Quantity Type field displays a value of SHARES or UNITS. If the security has a quantity type of Shares or Units, you must specify a value. |
Current Ownership Percentage | 7660 | Displays the current ownership percentage for the position. |
Ownership Percent | 16085 | Specifies the percentage of ownership in a partnership, joint venture, or limited liability company to use for the conversion. If the security has a quantity type of Percentage, you must specify a value. If the security has a quantity type of Shares or Units, you can specify a value to use for information only. The ownership percentage is the same across all accounting bases. |
New Ownership Percentage | 7661 | Displays the ownership percentage to apply. |
Price | 45 | Specifies the trade price per share. The value must be greater than zero. |
Commission Local | 47 | Specifies the amount of the trade commission. |
SEC Fee Local | 48 | Specifies the SEC fee. |
Tax Amount Local | 46 | Specifies the tax amount on the transaction. |
Stamp Duty Tax Local | 51 | Specifies the stamp duty amount on the transaction. |
Other Fee Local | 3752 | Specifies any additional fees on the transaction. |
Original Cost Local | 3747 | Specifies the original local cost amount for the selected accounting basis. |
Total Book Cost | 50 | Specifies the net amount of the transaction in local currency for the selected accounting basis. |
Local to Base FX Rate | 87 | Specifies the local to base foreign exchange rate. Both the FX rate and the Cost of Investments Base (tag 478) fields are available. If you input the FX rate, the system calculates the Base cost and vice versa. This FX rate/Base Cost can differ across bases. |
Impairment Ltd Local | 2700 | Specifies the impairment/credit loss life-to-date amount in local currency for the selected accounting basis. |
Commitment | 7664 | Specifies the total amount committed by the investor in the partnership, joint venture, or limited liability corporation. The system only tracks the commitment for the STAT basis, if one exists. |
Conversion Information Base |
Original Cost Base (No Amortization) | 3746 | Specifies the original cost of the open lot stated in base currency. |
Total Book Cost + PTD Income Base | 478 | Specifies the base amount of the trade for the selected accounting basis. Represents the cost of investments base, based on local cost and the FX rate. |
Impairment Ltd Base | 2701 | Specifies the impairment/credit loss life-to-date amount in base currency. |
Impairment Fx Ltd | 16231 | Specifies the life-to-date impairment amount caused by FX impairment adjustments. |
Encumbrance | 16089 | Specifies the value of encumbrances, in base currency. While the system stores this amount for all bases, you can report on encumbrances only for the accounting basis where the accounting method is EMA. The system only tracks the commitment for the STAT basis, if one exists. |
Unrealized Market Gain/Loss |
Unrealized Market Type | 7004 | Indicates whether the selected basis for the position has unrealized market gain or loss. This field appears in the lower pane for a basis with the EMA/Cost Flag set to EMA. Options include:
Unrealized Market Loss Local | 16104 | Specifies the amount of investment market loss on an EMA security in local currency for the selected basis. This field appears in the lower pane if you set the Unrealized Market Type field for the basis to a value of Unrealized Loss. |
Unrealized Market Gain Local | 16105 | Specifies the amount of investment market gain local on an EMA security in local currency for the selected basis. This field appears in the lower pane if you set the Unrealized Market Type field for the basis to a value of Unrealized Gain. |
Unrealized Market Loss Base | 16106 | Displays the amount of investment market loss on an EMA security in base currency for the selected basis. This field appears in the lower pane if you set the Unrealized Market Type field for the basis to a value of Unrealized Loss. |
Unrealized Market Gain Base | 16107 | Displays the amount of investment market gain on an EMA security in base currency for the selected basis. This field appears in the lower pane if you set the Unrealized Market Type field for the basis to a value of Unrealized Gain. |
Unrealized Currency Gain/Loss |
Unrealized Currency Type | 7006 | Indicates whether the selected basis for the position has unrealized currency gain or loss. This field appears in the lower pane for a basis with the EMA/Cost Flag set to EMA when you select a security with a processing security type of Common Stock (EQCSCS). Options include:
Unrealized FX Loss Base | 16108 | Specifies the amount of currency loss on an EMA security in base currency for the selected basis. This field appears in the lower pane if you set the Unrealized Currency Type field for the basis to a value of Unrealized Loss. |
Unrealized FX Gain Base | 16109 | Specifies the amount of currency gain on an EMA security in base currency for the selected basis. Used for STAT basis EMA treatment. This field appears in the lower pane if you set the Unrealized Currency Type field for the basis to a value of Unrealized Gain. |
Undistributed Income/Loss |
Investment Income/Loss Type | 7007 | Indicates whether the selected basis for the position has undistributed income or loss. This field appears in the lower pane for a basis with the EMA/Cost Flag set to EMA. Options include:
Undistributed Investment Loss Local | 7519 | Specifies the amount of undistributed investment loss on an EMA security in local currency for the selected basis. This field appears in the lower pane if you set the Investment Income/Loss Type field for the basis to a value of Loss. |
Undistributed Investment Income Local | 7512 | Specifies the amount of undistributed investment income on an EMA security in local currency for the selected basis. Used for Other accounting treatment. This field appears in the lower pane if you set the Investment Income/Loss Type field for the basis to a value of Income. |
Blended Income FX Rate | 484 | Specifies the FX rate used to calculate the base market value. |
Undistributed Investment Loss Base | 7515 | Displays the amount of undistributed investment loss on an EMA security in base currency for the selected basis. This field appears in the lower pane if you set the Investment Income/Loss Type field for the basis to a value of Loss. |
Undistributed Investment Income Base | 7516 | Displays the amount of undistributed investment income on an EMA security in base currency for the selected basis. This field appears in the lower pane if you set the Investment Income/Loss Type field for the basis to a value of Income. |
PACE Performance Fields |
Performance Price | 4598 | Specifies the price for use by Eagle's Performance solution. |
Performance Amount Local | 4597 | Specifies the local performance flow amount for use by Eagle's Performance solution. Mapped to Local_total_flow in the PACE cash activity table. |
Settlement Information |
Broker Name | 1235 | Specifies the name of the primary broker. |
Broker Code | 88 | Specifies the code that represents the broker. |
Clearing Broker | 1236 | Specifies the name of the clearing broker, if different from the trade broker. |
Clearing Broker Code | 1237 | Specifies the code for the clearing broker. |
Custodian Bank Name | 1146 | Specifies the name of the custodian bank responsible for the trade. The field lookup allows you to select the custodians that have bank account relationships defined for the entity or for the composite associated with the entity. When you select a value, the system displays values for the Custody Bank Account Number field, Custody Bank Subaccount field, Cash Account Name field and Cash Account Number field, based on the bank account relationships and cash account relationships that apply to the transaction. |
Custodian Bank Code | 1240 | Specifies the code of the custodian bank. |
Custody Bank Account Number | 1660 | Specifies the custodian bank primary account number. The panel displays the value associated with the selected bank account relationship for the custodian. |
Custody Bank Subaccount | 1661 | Displays the custodian bank subaccount number. When you use cash segregation, the panel displays a value of OTHER as the custodian bank subaccount number for the transaction. |
Settlement Instructions 1 | 1897 | Allows you to add settlement notes. |
Settlement Instructions 2 | 1898 | Allows you to add settlement notes. |
Settlement Instructions 3 | 1899 | Allows you to add settlement notes. |
Settlement Instructions 4 | 1900 | Allows you to add settlement notes. |
Settle Location | 43 | Specifies the location in which the trade is settled. |
User Char1 | 1887 | Specifies one of three user defined fields. |
User Char2 | 1888 | Specifies one of three user defined fields. |
User Char3 | 1889 | Specifies one of three user defined fields. |
Other Information |
Reason | 56 | Contains user defined information about the event. |
Original Trade Ticket Number | 761 | Contains the trade ticket identification number. The system uses it during processing. For example, IDLOT close or cancel events use this number to locate an open lot. |
FAS 115 Code | 3728 | Specifies the FAS (Financial Accounting Standards) 115 Code, which is used to report assets. The real cash flow is the same regardless of accounting method. However, financial statements can be very different depending on which method is used. Options include:
Client Specific Original Event ID | 457 | Specifies the client-specific original event ID. |
Gift/Inheritance Fields |
Acquisition Type | 2425 | Identifies an inheritance or gift. This is a brokerage election. Options include Gift or Inheritance. |
Ownership Transfer Date | 2426 | Specifies the date of death when you transfer inherited funds or specifies the gift date for gift transfers. |
Fair Market Value Flag | 2427 | Indicates whether to track fair market values. This field appears if you set the Acquisition Type field (tag 2425) to a value of Gift. Options include Yes or No. |
Fair Market Value Price | 2452 | Specifies the fair market for the gift. You can enter zero as a fair market value price. This field appears if you set the Fair Market Value Flag field (tag 2427) to a value of Yes. |
Fair Market Value Local | 2428 | Specifies the fair market value local. This field appears if you set the Fair Market Value Flag field (tag 2427) to a value of Yes. |
Fair Market Value Base | 2429 | Displays the fair market value base. This field appears if you set the Fair Market Value Flag field (tag 2427) to a value of Yes. |
Holding Term | 9091 | Specifies the holding term value to assign to lots in the selected position during a lot level conversion. Options include:
User Defined Priority | 2862 | Specifies the user generated number that determines the event sub priority. That is, after the system accounts for the event sequence and corporate action sequence. |
Order Number | 1092 | Specifies the order number of the transaction. This can be the same for multiple lots. |