List Fund of Funds Theoretical Allocations

List Fund of Funds Theoretical Allocations

In the List Fund of Funds Theoretical Allocations panel, you can review hypothetical allocations for the various allocation rules in Eagle’s mutual fund accounting solution. The system uses the existing cash flow for the given day from the Post Fund of Funds Allocation Process for the theoretical allocation. You enter the fund and date, and then select the desired allocation method.

To list fund of funds theoretical allocations: 

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Allocations List Fund of Funds Theoretical Allocation.
    You see the List Fund of Funds Theoretical Allocation panel.

  2. In the Entity ID and Entity Name fields, specify the unique identifier or name of the master fund, or top-level fund.

  3. In the Valuation Date field, specify the valuation date for the entity. 
    The current date appears by default. However, you can select any date to run the theoretical allocation. If you enter fund of funds targets with start and stop dates in the future, you can generate a fund of funds allocation using target methods with percentages with future dates.

  4. In the Fund of Fund Allocation Method list, select the fund of funds allocation method to use for the theoretical allocations.
    Options include:
    - Actual. The Actual fund of funds allocation method. 
    - Rebalance Asset Class. The Rebalance Asset Class fund of funds allocation method.
    - Rebalance Over Under. The Rebalance Over/Under fund of funds allocation method.
    - Rebalance Target. The Rebalance Target fund of funds allocation method.
    - Security Over Under. The Security Level Target with Rebalance fund of funds allocation method.
    - User Defined. The User Defined fund of funds allocation method. 

  5. Click Submit.
    In the Show All tab, you can see the fund of funds theoretical allocations that met your criteria. The Theoretical Allocation Activity tab displays theoretical fund allocations by entity, valuation date, asset class type, and security. The Security Level Target Rebalance tab reflects theoretical cash flow and activity associated with the Security Level Target with Rebalance fund of funds allocation method.

The List Fund of Funds Theoretical Allocations panel provides hypothetical results. No pending trades are created.