Edit Amortization & Accretion Rules

Edit Amortization & Accretion Rules

In the Edit Amortization & Accretion Rules panel, you can change an amortization/accretion rule. If you change the amortization rule on an accounting basis level, or make a change to a field in an existing amortization rule that does not create a new instance of the rule, the system will true up the position retrospectively from the original settlement date.

The Edit Amortization & Accretion Rules panel allows you to change only the value of the Rule End Date field. The reason for this is that the system only recalculates a yield based on reference data changes, and/or amortization rule instance changes in combination with other criteria, or on the coupon date of the security. By forcing you to edit or delete an amortization rule if the rule was set up incorrectly, the system always recalculates the yield when changes are made that can impact the yield result. 

To edit an amortization & accretion rule:

  1. Do one of the following:
    - In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Portfolio Rules > Amortization & Accretion > Edit Amortization & Accretion Rules. 
    - In Portfolio Data Center, in the left navigation pane, click Portfolio Desk > Accounting Portfolio Rules > Amortization & Accretion > Edit Amortization & Accretion Rules.
    You see the Edit Amortization & Accretion Rules panel.

  2. In the Query based on field, select Rule Name to change a single amortization rule or All to change all rules.

  3. If you selected Rule Name, click the Rule Name field lookup and select the rule you want to change.

  4. In the Rule Begin Date and Rule End Date fields, specify a starting and ending date for the rules you want to update. Otherwise, leave the fields blank.

  5. Click Submit.
    You see the amortization/accretion rules that met your criteria in the Show All tab.

  6. Select each amortization/accretion rule you want to change so that a check mark appears in the Select column, and click Change Selected Amortization/Accretion Rules.
    You see each rule you selected in the Change Selected Amortization/Accretion Rules tab.

  7. Modify the amortization/accretion rule and click Submit.

For an example of editing an amortization/accretion rule and then creating a new amortization/accretion rule where the rule criteria change, see Example - Edit an Amortization Rule.