Calculate Retrospective Amortization
When cash flow assumptions differ from the cash flows on which the constant effective yield or level yield was originally based, the yield calculation used to accrete any discount or amortize any premium must be recalculated. Eagle Accounting can calculate amortization retrospectively, using actual historical cash flows for Identified Cost portfolios. Eagle Accounting can calculate amortization retrospectively from the Conversion Date of the lot, from the Original Settlement Date of the lot, and from a user-specified Begin Date.
The system can generate the retrospective amortization calculation in the following ways:
In this section
Manually. The system can generate the retrospective amortization calculation when you use the Run Retrospective Amortization panel. For more information, see Run Retrospective Amortization.
During Amortization Rule Change. The system can generate the retrospective amortization calculation during an amortization rule change. For more information, see How the System Calculates Amortization After an Amortization Rule Change.
Automatically through Amortization & Accretion Rule Configurations. For more information, see Create Amortization & Accretion Rules. You can configure an amortization & accretion rule such that:
Mortgage Backed Securities automatically do a retrospective calculation.
All other securities automatically do a prospective calculation.