Manage RSAT Links

Manage RSAT Links

Replication (Synthetic Asset) Transaction (RSAT) is a derivative transaction used to create synthetic investments by pairing derivatives with cash instruments. This transaction allows entities to gain exposure to assets that may be too expensive or unavailable in the cash markets. Eagle Insurance allows you to create an RSAT link to associate one derivative instrument to either one or more cash instruments at an entity level. The system ensures that entities within the same SVO Company Code can manage and report their RSAT investments efficiently, particularly for the Schedule DB – Part C – Section 1 and Schedule DB - Part C - Section 2 reports.

Create RSAT Links

In the Create RSAT Link panel, you can add one or more RSAT links for use in the Schedule DB - Part C - Section 1 report.

To create an RSAT link:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > InsuranceRSAT Links > Create RSAT Link.
    You see the Create RSAT Link panel.

  2. Complete the options on the panel.

  3. If you want to create multiple RSAT links, use the pane at the bottom of the panel, as follows:
    –  Right-click the grid at the bottom of the panel and select Add Rows.
    –  Enter the number of rows you want to add on the Enter Rows Count dialog box and click OK. You need to add a row for each additional RSAT link you want to add.
    –  Complete the options on each row you added.

  4. Click Submit.

Create RSAT Link Panel Options

The following table describes each option on the Create RSAT Link panel.





RSAT Begin Date


RSAT Begin Date

Specifies the trade date of when any piece of the RSAT is bought.

RSAT Details


RSAT Number

Specifies the RSAT Number as administered by the CUSIP Division of Standard & Poor’s.

RSAT Description

Specifies a complete and accurate description of the RSAT, including a description of the relationship of the Cash Instruments and Derivatives used to produce the replication.

NAIC Designation or Other RSAT Description

Specify the NAIC Designation or, when the NAIC Designation is not applicable, other description that best identifies the Risk-Based Capital and Asset Valuation Reserve (if applicable) class of the RSAT, as if the RSAT was recorded on the appropriate investment schedule.

RSAT Maturity Date

Specify the maturity date of the RSAT.

Derivative Instrument(s) Open


SVO Company Code

Displays the SVO Company Code. The system stores the SVO company code and allocation information in the database as entered. The Derivative and Cash Instrument(s) entity must fall under the same SVO Company Code.

Entity ID

Specifies the entity identification code.

Entity Description

Specifies the entity name.

Primary Asset ID

Specifies the primary asset identifier for the derivative.

Issue Name

Specifies the name of the derivative.

Choose An Open Lot

Specifies the open lot for processing.

Lot Shares Outstanding

Displays the current quantity for the selected open lot.

Open Event ID

Displays the unique event ID for the selected open lot.

Cash Instrument(s) Open


SVO Company Code

Specifies the SVO Company Code. The system stores the SVO company code and allocation information in the database as entered. The Derivative and Cash Instrument(s) entity must fall under the same SVO Company Code.

Entity ID

Specifies the entity identification code.

Entity Description

Specifies the entity name.

Primary Asset ID

Specifies the primary asset identifier for the cash instrument. You cannot link cash and derivative instruments with the same Primary Asset ID.

Issue Name

Specifies the name of the cash instrument.

Choose An Open Lot

Specifies the open lot for processing.

Lot Shares Outstanding

Displays the current quantity for the selected open lot.

To Event ID

Displays the receiving account’s event ID on an MTLINK event.

Edit RSAT Links

In the Edit RSAT Link panel, you can update selected fields of one or multiple RSAT links associated with the same RSAT number at the same time. You can only change the RSAT Description, NAIC Designation or Other RSAT Description, and RSAT Maturity Date fields value. The fields describing the RSAT Link Data - Derivative Instrument(s) and RSAT Link Data - Derivative Instrument(s) are locked, and are for information only.

To edit an RSAT link:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Insurance > RSAT LinksEdit RSAT Link.
    You see the Edit RSAT Link panel.

  2. In the RSAT Number field, specify the number for the RSAT Link you want to edit.

  3. Click Submit.
    You see a row for each RSAT link that met your criteria in the Show All tab.

  4. Select the row for each RSAT link detail you want to update so that a check mark appears in the check box, and click Change RSAT Link.
    You see the selected RSAT link fields in the Change Change RSAT Link panel. The pane at the bottom of the panel includes a row for each selected RSAT link.
    NOTE: The fields describing the RSAT Link Data - Derivative Instrument(s) and RSAT Link Data - Derivative Instrument(s) are locked, and are for information only.

  5. Under RSAT Details, change the values for the fields you defined when you created the RSAT link.
    You can only change the RSAT Description, NAIC Designation or Other RSAT Description, and RSAT Maturity Date value.

  6. In the RSAT End Date field, select the trade date for the RSAT disposition of the investment or derivative that form the RSAT link.
    The system automatically updates the RSAT End Date and posts it to both the investment and derivative transaction lots. The system identifies a disposition as an RSAT disposition when it is allocated to a tax lot that has an RSAT number assigned. RSATs with an RSAT End Date equal or prior to a report date are not included in the Schedule DB - Part C - Section 1 report.

  7. In the RSAT Effective Failure field, select Yes if the disposition is the result of the RSAT failing the effectiveness test.
    If you select Yes, the disposition is included in the Schedule DB - Part C - Section 2 report.

  8. Click Submit to edit selected RSAT links.

List RSAT Links

In the List RSAT Link panel, you can view a list of RSAT links.

To list RSAT links:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > InsuranceRSAT Links > List RSAT Link.
    You see the List RSAT Link panel.

  2. In the Select Query Election list, specify whether to list RSAT links by SVO Company Code, RSAT Number, or all RSAT links.
    Options include:
    - List RSAT Links by SVO Company Code. Lists RSAT links associated with the selected SVO Company Code.
    - List All RSAT Links. Default. Lists all existing RSAT links.
    - List Individual RSAT Links. Lists individual RSAT links associated with the selected RSAT Number.

  3. If you set Select Query Election to List RSAT Links by SVO Company Code, specify a value in the SVO Group Code field.

  4. If you set Select Query Election to List Individual RSAT Links, specify a value in the RSAT Number field.

  5. Under Result Options, click Grid or Advanced Report for the report view you want.

  6. Click Submit.
    You see the RSAT links that met your criteria in the Show All tab.

Delete RSAT Links

In the Delete RSAT Link panel, you can delete an RSAT link if an error is made within the reporting period and the statement value is not needed for reporting.

To delete an RSAT link from the RSAT table:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > InsuranceRSAT Links > Delete RSAT Link.
    You see the Delete RSAT Link panel.

  2. In the RSAT Number field, specify the number for the RSAT link you want to delete.

  1. Click Submit.
    You see the RSAT links that met your criteria in the Show All tab.

  2. Select the check box for the row for each RSAT link you want to delete so that a check mark appears at the left, and click Delete RSAT Link.
    In the Delete RSAT Link grid, you see a row for each RSAT link that you selected.

  3. Review the rows for each RSAT link you selected for deletion.

  4. Click Submit to delete the selected RSAT links.