Understand Panels Used in Month End Processing for Mutual Funds

Understand Panels Used in Month End Processing for Mutual Funds

This section lists the panels that you can use to perform month end processing tasks manually. Many of these panels are for use only with month end processing for the Eagle mutual fund accounting solution. Other panels are also for use by the Eagle core accounting solution when you use month end processing for month end reporting that reflects as-of transactions.

Before using these panels:

  • Review the processing activities, and reports described in Manage Month End Processing.

  • Be sure to set up master funds and bases for month end processing.

  • Be aware that you can use Control Center schedules to automate these month end processing activities. Control Center provides month end schedules for Mutual Fund Accounting that allow the system to perform these tasks along with additional tasks such as testing accounting activity in a real time manner, using control periods, and reconciling as-of monthly books.

The exact tasks you perform during month end processing and the order in which you perform them can vary, based on your organization’s business needs and how you utilize the Eagle product suite.

Panel Name



Panel Name



Transfer Data - Batch

Core Accounting

Mutual Fund Accounting

Uses STAR to PACE batch to transfer month end accounting data.

Post Daily Fund Month End Valuation

Mutual Fund Accounting

Calculates unrealized gains and losses for positions that use month end processing. The month end valuation of securities processes all securities from a month end as-of perspective.

Post Daily Fund Month End Rec Pay Valuation

Mutual Fund Accounting

Processes valuations for foreign balances where the Month End Balance differs from the Daily Balance.

Post Month Class Allocations

Mutual Fund Accounting

Allocates monthly ledger balances by class.

Post Month Sector Allocations

Mutual Fund Accounting

Allocates monthly ledger balances by sector.

Populate Month End Ledger Balances

Core Accounting

Mutual Fund Accounting

Creates month end ledger balances for transactions considered as-of activity. You run use the Populate Monthly Ledger Balances panel both before and after allocations for proper mutual fund processing

Calculate Monthly NAV

Mutual Fund Accounting

Calculates a month end NAV.

Transfer STAR General Ledger Balances

Core Accounting

Mutual Fund Accounting

Performs month end STAR to PACE ledger push.

Close Monthly Valuation Period

Mutual Fund Accounting

If you use Mutual Fund Accounting with Control Center’s Month End module, Control Center closes monthly valuation periods for you.

Other Month End Processing Considerations

Other tasks can include:

  • Portfolio Turnover. If Mutual Fund Accounting clients plan to use Portfolio Turnover reports, they can use the Calculate Monthly Averages panel to compute the market value averages to use in monthly Portfolio Turnover reporting. For more information, see Portfolio Turnover Reports.

  • NII. If Mutual Fund Accounting clients that use month end processing use month end net investment income (NII) distributions. you can run month end net investment income (NII).