Add Broker Codes

Broker codes identify the individual or firm that acts as an intermediary between the buyer and seller. The system is installed with broker code values, which are displayed in the Broker Code drop down list on various panels. You can add additional broker codes to meet your unique processing requirements.

To add an additional broker code:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Add Code Value in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Add Code Value link to access the panel.
    You see the Add Code Value panel.
  4. Complete the options on the Add Code Value panel.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Close the Add Code Value bottom tab.

Add Code Value Panel Options

The following are the options in the Add Code Value panel. 




Lookup Code Category

Code Query Option


Specifies the code query option.

Code Category Name


Displays a list of fields for which you can define code values. To add a new broker code, select BROKER CODE.

Code Category Description


Displays the full name of the field you selected.

Code Max Length


Specifies the length of the broker code value.

Has History


Indicates whether there is history.

Add Code Values

Source Name


Specifies the source of the data.

Code Value


Specifies the new value for the Broker Code field.

Code Name


Specifies a description for the new value.