Add Security Cross References

Add Security Cross References

In the Add Security Cross Reference panel, you can add security cross reference information by security exchange and security xref type. Security cross reference information is used to resolve the identification of a security, when the Eagle internal security ID is not available.

To add a security cross reference relationship:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Issue Viewer in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Issue Viewer link to access the tool.
    You see the Issue Viewer tool.
  4. In the left navigation, double click Security Cross Reference and Add Security Cross Reference.
    You see the Add Security Cross Reference panel.
  5. Complete the options on the Add Security Cross Reference panel.
    If you want to add multiple cross references for the security, use the pane at the bottom of the Add Security Cross Reference panel, as follows:
    –  Click the lower pane.
    –  Right click and select Add Rows.
    –  Enter the number of rows you want to add in the Add Rows dialog box and click OK. You must add a row for each cross reference to associate with the security.
    –  Complete the options on each row with the cross reference information to add.
  6. Click Submit.

Add Security Cross Reference Panel Options

The following are the options in the Security Cross Reference panel. 




Lookup Security

Asset ID Type


Specifies the primary asset identifier type for the security. You can select any code value defined for the IXREFTYPE code category. For example, CUSIP, ISIN, and SEDOL.

Asset ID


Specifies the primary asset identifier for the security.

Issue Name


Specifies the name of the security.

Add Security Xreference

CUSIP/SEDOL Check Digit Control Flag


Indicates whether you want to generate or validate CUSIP and SEDOL numbers for the cross reference. Options include:

  • Generate Check Digit. Generates the remaining numbers if you enter part of the CUSIP or SEDOL number.
  • Validate Check Digit. Validates the CUSIP and SEDOL number you enter is correct.

Xreference Security ID Type


Specifies the security identifier type for the cross reference to add. For example, BBID, CINS, COMMON, CUSIP, FWXREF, INTERNAL, ISIN, RED, RIC, SEDOL, SWAPID, TICKER, UPI (Unique Product Identifier), USI (Universal Swap Identifier), VALOREN, and WPK.

Xreference Security ID


Specifies the security identifier for the cross reference.

End Date


Specifies the end date to use the cross reference.

Xreference Exchange Name


Specifies the marketplace in which the security is traded.

Xreference Exchange Code


Specifies the code of the marketplace in which the security is traded.