About Reporting Only Fields

You can use the following reporting only fields when you set up fixed income securities for use with Eagle Accounting. 







Investment Type


Specifies the investment type. For example, FI (fixed income). This field is for reporting and reference only.

Country Of Risk


Specifies the issuer of the security's principal place of business. This field is for reporting and reference only.

Country of Risk Code


Specifies the code of the issuer of the security's principal place of business. This field is for reporting and reference only.

State Code


Specifies the state in which the security is issued. This field is for reporting and reference only.

Amount Issued


Specifies the amount of par original that has been issued by the issuer. This field is for reporting and reference only.

Amount Outstanding


Specifies the amount of par that has not been retired by the issuer. This field is for reporting and reference only.

SIC Code


Specifies the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code used to categorize and uniquely identify business activities. This field is for reporting and reference only.

AMT Flag


Indicates whether a bond is subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (ATM) for individuals. This field is for reporting and reference only. Options include:

  • Yes. The bond is subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (ATM) for individuals.

  • No. The bond is not subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (ATM) for individuals.

Restricted Flag


Indicates any trade restrictions on the security. This field is for reporting and reference only. Options include:

  • 144A. An SEC rule modifying a two year holding period requirement on privately placed securities to permit qualified institutional buyers to trade the positions among themselves.

  • Reg S. Various SEC rules relating to offers and sales made outside the U.S. without SEC Registration.

  • Reg D. An SEC regulation governing private placement exemptions. This rule allows some companies to raise capital through the sale of equity or debt securities without having to register the securities with the SEC.

  • Private Placement. The raising of capital using private rather than public placement. The result is the sale of securities to a relatively small number of investors.

  • 4(2) Paper

  • Other

  • None

Muni Funding Flag


Indicates whether an interest bearing municipal security is eligible for pre-refunding. This field is for reporting and reference only. Options include:

  • Yes. The municipal security is eligible for pre-refunding.

  • No. The municipal security is not eligible for pre-refunding.

SMF Audit Field


The SMF Audit field is hidden. This field tracks when fields that impact the calculation of amortization yield are changed. When a security master field that affects a yield calculation changes, the SMF stored procedure updates the SMF Audit field. When a tax lot is processed, Eagle Accounting places the value from the SMF Audit field on the open lot level of the Cost object. When the earnings are processed, Eagle Accounting compares the value in the Cost object and the value in the SMF. If the values are different, Eagle Accounting recalculates the amortization yield and then updates the SMF Audit field.

The following fields update the SMF Audit field:

  • From the SMF Tables:

    • Processing Security Type (tag 3931)

    • Price Multiplier (tag 18)

    • Quantity Scale (tag 19)

    • Day Count Basis (tag 471)

    • Coupon (tag 70)

    • Coupon Type Code (tag 97)

    • Index Offset (tag 215)

    • Underlying Security Alias (tag 1347)

    • Inverse Floater Rate (tag 1553)

    • Inverse Floater Multiple (tag 4532)

    • Trading Flat (tag 3949)

    • Issue Date (tag 68)

    • Issue Price (tag 69)

    • Dated Date (tag 1183)

    • First Coupon Date (tag 473)

    • Last Coupon Date (tag 474)

    • Maturity Date (tag 38)

    • Maturity Price (tag 42)

    • Interest Payment Timing (tag 1523)

    • Business Day Convention (tag 1536)

    • Business Calendar Name (tag 1480)

    • Payment Frequency (tag 472)

    • Day Of Month Override (tag 1533)

    • Delay Days (tag 1799)

    • First Rate Reset Date (tag 10911)

    • Rate Reset Change Cap (tag 10907)

    • Rate Reset Change Floor (tag 10908)

    • Rate Reset Cap (tag 10909)

    • Rate Reset Floor (tag 10910)

    • Reset Lag Days (tag 10547)

    • Lottery Bond (tag 11303)

    • Pro Rata Sink (tag 11304)

    • CMO First Principle Date (tag 1587)

  • Prepayment Time Series Changes that cause a Yield Recalculation:

    • Anytime a new record is entered based on a new effective date, the SMF Audit field is updated.

    • Anytime a record is deleted in the Prepayment Time Series information table, the SMF Audit field is updated.

  • If there is a change to the following fields:

    • WAC Current (tag 1227

    • CPR 1month (tag 1210)

    • CPR 3month (tag 1211)

    • CPR 6month (tag 6262)

    • CPR 12month (tag 1213)

    • CPR Life (tag 1206)

    • PSA 1month (tag 1218)

    • PSA 3month (tag 1219)

    • PSA 6month (tag 1220)

    • PSA 12month (tag 1221)

    • PSA Life (tag 1573)

    • ABS 1month (tag 10311)

    • ABS 3month (tag 10312)

    • ABS 6month (tag 10313)

    • ABS 12month (tag 10314)

    • ABS Life (tag 3053

    • SMM (tag 11418)

    • Effective Maturity Date (tag 10273)

  • Schedule Table:

    • Anytime there is a new entry or a record is deleted in the Schedule table, the SMF Audit field is updated.

    • Anytime there is a change to a value in the Price/Rate (tag 1249) field for an established Call/Put/Refund record, the SMF Audit field is updated.

    • Anytime there is change to a value Schedule Amount (tag 1669) field for an established Sink Record, the SMF Audit field is updated.

  • Variable Rate Table:

    • Anytime there is a new entry or a record is deleted in the Variable Rate Table, the SMF Audit field is updated.

    • Anytime there is a change to an established record in the Variable Rate Table, for Variable Rate (tag 96) field, the SMF Audit field is updated.