XSD Revision 366
December 2020 EagleML Release
Added to the schema:
1. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: the group ExtendedAssetProperties.model has been added to the LedgerAccountModel.model group
2. eagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd: the element variationMarginFlag has been added to the CommonDerivative.model group
3. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd: the element netcashflwsNxtPmtDate2 has been added to the WarehouseLotObject.model group
Moved in the schema:
1. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: the group EntityProperties.model has been moved from CashProjectionItem complex type to the model CashProjection.model
Other changes:
1. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: type of the element accountId has been changed from xsd:integer to xsd:string in the AccountId.model group
2. eagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd: type of the element variationMargin has been changed from YesNoOptionEnum to xsd:decimal in the CommonDerivative.model group
3. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd: type of the element netcashflwsNxtPmt has been changed from xsd:date to xsd:decimal in the WarehouseLotObject.model group
Element annotations have been updated.