Run the FASB-91 Report

The FASB-91 report allows you to review the "what if" retrospective amortization calculation results that you create using the Generate FASB-91 Report Data option. You can view results at the entity/basis level or at the entity/basis/security level, and can view results by position or lot. The Advanced report allows you to compare current assumptions to projected assumptions, and view the differences. After you review the results, you can apply selected retrospective amortization calculations.

To run the FASB-91 report:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Reports > Investment Accounting Reports > Income > FASB-91 Report.
    You see the FASB-91 Report panel.

  2. Complete the options on the FASB-91 Report panel.

  3. Under Result Options, click Advanced Report or Grid Report.

  4. Click Submit.
    The report results appear on your desktop for the view selected.

FASB-91 Report Panel Options

A definition of the options on the FASB-91 Report panel follows.





Required Parameters


Calculate Based On

Allows you to show/hide additional query filters. The system displays additional fields depending on your selection. Options include:

  • One Entity/One Security

  • One Entity/All Securities

  • Entity List/One Security

  • Entity List/All Securities

  • All Entities/One Security

Entity ID

Specifies the unique identifier of the entity. This field appears if you set the Calculate Based On field to a value for one entity.

Entity Name

Specifies the name of the entity. This field appears if you set the Calculate Based On field to a value for one entity.

Accounting Basis

Specifies the accounting basis for the entity.

Entity List Name

Specifies the name of the entity list. This field appears if you set the Calculate Based On field to a value for an entity list.

Entity List ID

Specifies the unique identifier of the entity list. This field appears if you set the Calculate Based On field to a value for an entity list.

Security Information


Issue Name

Specifies the name of the security. This field appears if you set the Calculate Based On field to a value for one security.

Primary Asset ID

Specifies the identification number of the primary asset ID type for the security. This field appears if you set the Calculate Based On field to a value for one security.

Asset ID

Displays the asset identifier of the selected security. This field appears if you set the Calculate Based On field to a value for one security.


Specifies the trade ticker of the security.

Report View Options


View Report At

Specifies the level of the holdings. Options include:

  • Position Level

  • Lot level (Default)

View Retro Status

Options include: 

  • All

  • Processed

  • Unprocessed

View Cashflows

Indicates whether the report results show the cash flows used to calculate the retrospective yield. Options include No (Default) and Yes.

Source Name

Specifies the source of the data.

Selection Criteria


Report Filters

The default value is ALL.

Advanced Report Options

Indicates whether you want to use the Advanced report formatting options to define the shading format. Options include Yes and No (default).

Other Details



Displays the entity partition code. This field appears if you set the Calculate Based On field for an entity list or all entities.