Delete FASB-91 Report Data

Delete FASB-91 Report Data

In the Delete FASB-91 Report Data panel, you can delete data from the FAS91 Report table. You use the Generate FASB-91 Report Data panel to populate that table. This panel allows you to remove records from the table. It does not regenerate records.

To delete FASB-91 report data:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Processing & Exceptions > Global Processes > FASB-91 Retrospective Amortization > Delete FASB-91 Report Data.
    You see the Delete FASB-91 Report Data panel.

  2. Complete the options on the Generate FASB-91 Report Data panel.
    The options are similar to those in the Generate FASB-91 Report Data panel.

  3. Click Submit.
    You see the status of the event loopbacks in the Loopbacks pane at the bottom of the panel. The system deletes the original results data in the table, and that data no longer displays in the FASB-91 research report.