Tutorial: Using Custom T Streams in Data Extracts
This tutorial shows you how to use custom T streams in data extracts.
Run Task Request
In order to use custom T streams in Data Extracts, it necessary to specify the T_StreamName parameter in the Run Task Request (RTR) control message with a value of the name of custom T stream.
If the output format needs differ from the EagleML, that should be specified in the RTR too, using the OutputFormat parameter.
Let's consider the example of using custom T stream star_to_fixed_demo_t which has the output format FIXED. In the RTR, the output format should be defined as TagValue.
Example with star_to_fixed_demo_t T stream
RTR Control Message for run:
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0 eagleml-main-2-0.xsd"
<correlationId correlationIdScheme="correlationIdScheme">dkISSUEPRICEEXTRACT7</correlationId>
<businessTaskId correlationIdScheme="businessTaskIdScheme">ISSUEPRICEEXTRACT7</businessTaskId>
<value>2014-12-31 15-00-00</value>
<value>2005-01-20 00-00-00</value>
In Eagle, open the Message Center Console Application.
Find the stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message in Message Streams list and send RTR Control Message by clicking on the stream and choosing Send data:
Correlation Id parameter in RTR has to be unique for each run!
Next, go to the EJM Tasks Tab and enter as Search filter Correlation Id which was used in RTR.
The Extract Steps have been displayed in the grid below.
The star_to_fixed_demo_t has been called as the transformation stream for extracted data.
Double click on necessary row in Steps grid to see stream details.
The Incoming and Outgoing messages of star_to_fixed_demo_t are presented below:
The extracted and transformed data will be copied to the /cmw/extracts/ app directory.