Tutorial: Using Editchecks Within ForEach Iterations

This  tutorial shows you the usage pattern for using Editchecks within ForEach.

If you are going to use Editchecks within ForEach, you should place it inside ForEach, onto its subworksheet.

When you are using XSLT General Params in cases with ForEach, drag-and-drop and edit it in the main worksheet. After you are finished, go to the ForEach subworksheets and drop the XSLT General Params objects onto them (these ojbects are auto-filled according to the contents of the main workflow object's contents).


If you edit XSLT General Params in the main worksheet, you should "refresh" the contents of these tables inside every ForEach element by removing the old version of XSLT General Params and dropping its object back. This action will allow it to be auto-filled with the new data.

The illustrations below help outline these points:

This first snapshot shows an incorrect use, where the Editcheck was dropped onto the main worksheet instead of placed inside the ForEach.

Example of Editcheck incorrectly dropped onto the main worksheet

The next two snapshots shows the correct use, where the Editcheck is not on the main worksheet and is inside the Foreach instead.

Example of Editcheck in Foreach