XSD Revision 252

Added to the schema:
1. eagleml-acc-2-0.xsd: the new object workingTrialBalance with complex type WorkingTrialBalance have been added to the schema, the following groups are contained in the WorkingTrialBalance complex type:

  • EntityCommonIds.model
  • AssetIdentifiers.model
  • AssetProperties.model
  • MaturityDate.model
  • WorkingTrialBalance.model

2. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: the group WorkingTrialBalance.model has been added to the schema with the following groups and elements:

  • BaseCurrency.model group
  • AccountingBasis.model group
  • StartDate.model group
  • EndDate.model group
  • EffectiveDate.model group
  • TransType.model group
  • ReportType.model group
  • OpenEventId.model group
  • CloseEventId.model group
  • ShareClass.model group
  • ValuationDate.model group
  • TrialBalanceModel1.model group
  • CustomChart1.model group
  • LedgerAccount.model group
  • RegulatoryCategory.model group
  • Coupon.model group
  • USFederalTaxIndicator.model group
  • LedgerAcct.model group
  • CloseoutLedgerAccountOffset.model group
  • AccountId.model group
  • AllocationId.model group
  • EstimatedReinvestPct.model group
  • CoaName.model group
  • UserGroup3CA.model group
  • UserGroup4CA.model group
  • MarketSectorDescription.model group
  • TrialBalanceModel2.model group
  • TrialBalanceModel3.model group
  • beginBalance
  • activity
  • periodActivity
  • endingLedgerBalanceAmount
  • NetPostingDebitCredit

3. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: enumeration value 'WorkingTrialBalance' has been added to the ObjectTypeEnum simple type
4. eagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd: the element singleLegLoadFlag has been added to the SMFFlags.Model group

Moved in the schema:
1. The following elements in the eagleml-acc-2-0.xsd file have been moved from TrialBalance.model group to TrialBalanceModel1.model group in the eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd file:

  • valuationTime
  • navSentCount
  • navNotSentCount
  • navTotalCount

The TrialBalanceModel1.model added to TrialBalance.model group, backward compatibility complied.
2. The following elements and group in the eagleml-acc-2-0.xsd file have been moved from TrialBalance.model group to TrialBalanceModel2.model group in the eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd file:

  • sectorNumber
  • SectorName.model group
  • lpBalanceAmount
  • lpCumulativeDr
  • lpCumulativeCr
  • lpTodayCumulativeDate
  • ledgerGrouping
  • ruleId
  • acctPriorChg
  • documentSection
  • page
  • line
  • ordr
  • accountDescriptionCoreCoa

The TrialBalanceModel2.model added to TrialBalance.model group, backward compatibility complied.
3. The following elements in the eagleml-acc-2-0.xsd file have been moved from TrialBalance.model group to TrialBalanceModel3.model group in the eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd file:

  • sourceId
  • itemNumber
  • beginningBalanceBase
  • baseOrNonBaseBreakout
  • assigningDateTime
  • reserved1433
  • groupType

The TrialBalanceModel3.model added to TrialBalance.model group, backward compatibility complied.

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