Refresh, Print, and Export Data from the Workspace

Refresh, Print, and Export Data from the Workspace

In the User Administration and User Administration Setup workspaces, you can use the Refresh button to quickly refresh the information displayed in the workspace. You can also use the Print button to print and the Export button to export the information in the workspace to various file formats.

Refresh Data

The changes that you make in the User Administration and User Administration Setup workspaces are applied instantaneously. In some cases, however, you may need to do a manual refresh. The Refresh button is activated if you made changes that require a refresh. If there are no changes that require a refresh, the Refresh button is grayed out

Some User Administration permissions are stored in the cache. User Administration performs an automatic refresh of the cache every thirty minutes. If you made changes that must take effect immediately, you can refresh the cache manually.

The Refresh Cache option is activated if you made changes that require a cache refresh. If there are no changes that require a refresh, the Refresh Cache option is grayed out.

To refresh data in User Administration and User Administration Setup workspaces:

  1. In User Administration or User Administration Setup, click to select the appropriate workspace in the left navigation.

  2. Click the Refresh button drop down.

  3. Select Refresh to refresh the data in the selected workspace.

  4. Select Refresh Cache to refresh the data if you made changes that required a cache refresh.

Print Data

To print data in User Administration and User Administration Setup workspaces:

  1. In User Administration or User Administration Setup, click to select the appropriate workspace in the left navigation.

  2. Click the Print button drop down:

  • Select Print to print the information displayed in the workspace. Select the appropriate printer and click Print.

  • Select Print Preview prior to printing. Use the print preview tools in the upper left corner to zoom in or change the print layout. Click the printer icon to print. Click Close to close the print preview.

Export Data

To export data from User Administration and User Administration Setup workspaces:

  1. In User Administration or User Administration Setup, click to select the appropriate workspace in the left navigation.

  2. Click the Export button drop down.

  3. Select the appropriate file format and location and click Save to download the file to the location you specified.