Understand Reference Data Release Statuses

Understand Reference Data Release Statuses

There are two types of validations in Reference Data Center : Critical Errors and Warnings. Warnings are informational, they do not affect processing. Critical errors however, affect whether data will be released.

In RDC, validation are assigned to fields. If a field has a critical validation error, the data in the field will not be released. Each field is assigned one of the following release levels:

1- Released for Trading

2 - Released for Trading and BackOffice

3 - Released with No Exceptions

At the end of the release process, the Reference Data Center uses the release level of fields that have critical validation errors to determine the overall release status of the security. The release status of the security corresponds to the highest possible field level for which there are no critical validation errors. All lower field levels must be clear of critical validation errors as well.

The attachment below contains mock configurations and validations for instructional purposes only.