Edit Third Party Cash Flow Detail Information

Edit Third Party Cash Flow Detail Information

You can edit cash flow details with a release status of pending approval or not released.

To edit third party cash flow detail information:

  1. In the Reference Desk workspace, in the left navigation pane, click Third Party Cash Flows. 
     You see the Third Party Cash Flow workspace with all the available detail data.

  2. Click the View Data By drop-down and then select Third party Cash Flows and their Exceptions

  3. Complete the required search criteria and click the Search button.
    You see the search results based on the criteria you selected.

  4. Double click the cash flow record you wish to edit.
    You see the Third Party Cash Flow Detail tab.

  5. Double-click in the field that you want to edit. The Edit dialog box displays. Here you can change the Value, Edit Type and Reason Code of the field.  You can also enter a comment and determine if you’d like a value to be made null.

  6. In the New Value field, enter the new value.

  7. In the Edit Type field, select the edit type. Options include Override or Default.

  8. In the Reason Code field, enter the reason code. Values include: Reason1 and Reason2.

  9. Click Save to close the Edit panel.

  10. Click Save to close the Cash Flow Details panel and return to the Reference Desk workspace.