Delete Voluntary Corporate Action Election

Delete Voluntary Corporate Action Election

You can delete a voluntary corporate action election record from the system.

To delete a voluntary corporate action election:

  1. In the Reference Desk workspace, in the left navigation pane, click Corporate Actions and then click Voluntary Elections>Delete Voluntary Corporate Action Election.
    You see the Delete Voluntary Corporate Actions Elections screen.

  2.  Specify a date range for corporate actions to include in the Voluntary Corporate Action Begin Date and Voluntary Corporate Action End Date fields. All other criteria are optional.

  3. Click Submit.
    You see the results of your query in the Show All tab.

  4.  Select the Corporate Action you want to delete so that a check mark appears in the Select check box, and then click the Delete Voluntary Election Record button on the toolbar.
    You see the Action Entry Panel - Delete Voluntary Election Record.

  5. Click Submit.
    The Status window displays indicating that the record your selected has been deleted.

  6. Click Ok to close the window.