Create a Composite Analysis Report Profile

The first page of the report profile contains options for selecting the composites, reporting periods and other parameters used to run the report.

Options for the report profile are described in the following table.





Report rule to use

Rule governing the statistics you want to calculate.

Specify the performance model

Performance model for the returns data.

Select the date ranges

Selects the date range columns. For more information, see Defining the Time Period in a Composite Analysis Report. If you do not see all of the date ranges that you want to report on, you can add more. For details, refer to the GIPS Composite Management Configuration Guide section on creating custom date rules. You must select one date rule at the report profile level in most cases. However, if you select a field rule that includes one or more Composite Performance Analysis fields with date ranges defined at the field level, the system does not require that you specify a date rule. For details, see Delivering Composite Analysis Report Results to Data Mart.

Calculate Missing Data

For information, see Calculating Results if Data is Missing.

Enumerate Composites

For information, see Enumeration of Composites.


The Options button allows you to define currency conversion options in the Select the Currency tab of the Advanced Options dialog box. For more information, see Converting Currency Data in the Composite Analysis Report.

The second page of the report profile includes scheduling option and report options, most of which are standard for PACE reports.

The Group results by composite instead of date option applies only to the Composite Analysis report. You must select this option if you are delivering the report results to Data Mart. If your report uses date ranges defined at the Composite Performance Analysis field level, you can select this option to view results in the Group Results by Composite viewing format. For more information, see Delivering Composite Analysis Report Results to Data Mart.