Overview of EagleEye Analysis

EagleEye Analysis is a troubleshooting tool available in Composite Analysis reporting, which you can use when running Composite Analysis reports in Submit with Override mode. EagleEye Analysis allows you to view the underlying constituent data that supports the composite level results displayed in the report output.

You can use EagleEye Analysis to view report results for one composite at a time. EagleEye Analysis provides a single XML file, linked to the Composite Analysis results, that opens automatically in Excel for viewing:

  • Report profile parameters

  • Field parameters

  • Summary of data highlights

  • Report processing errors

  • Report input data

EagleEye Analysis is available for Composite Performance Analysis field types when used with the Composite Analysis report.

The system stores your EagleEye files in the customer attachments table in the PACE_MASTER database. Using the Data Archive Policy, you can purge built up EagleEye files or move them to another table.

You can also use EagleEye Analysis to troubleshoot Performance Analysis reports. For more information, see Performance Analysis and Reporting.