Run the Performance Analysis Report
The Performance Analysis report is used to calculate single-period and multi-period NAV-based returns. The Performance Analysis report uses single-period NAV-based retail fund returns stored in the PERFORM database to calculate multi-period returns or uses NAV data stored in the HOLDING database to calculate both single-period and multi-period NAV-based returns.
You can use the Performance Analysis report to calculate multi-period returns for retail funds using SEC calculation methodology. When you run the report, Eagle Performance can compound single-period returns into cumulative returns for longer time periods, and derive risk measures and risk-adjusted returns from single-period returns. After you generate the Performance Analysis report, you can use it to drill down into the fund to the security level to analyze prices, analytics, and other data.
Eagle recommends storing multi-period returns in Eagle's Data Mart. See the Data Mart User Guide for detailed information.