Run the Performance Calculation Report

Run the Performance Calculation Report

The Performance Calculation report is used to calculate and commit single-period NAV-based returns, which measure rates of return over a single holding period, such as a day, month, or quarter. Using the Performance Calculation report to commit returns is optional for Retail Fund Performance.

You can use the Dynamic NAV Returns report profile to calculate and commit NAV-based returns to the PERFORM database. Committing returns for retail funds lets you save that information for further analysis and reporting, and lets you take advantage of certain Eagle Performance features that rely on information stored in the PERFORM database. For example, if you plan to use the Performance Analysis report to calculate risk statistics for retail funds, that report requires single-period returns stored in the PERFORM database as the basis for calculating risk statistics. If you plan to use the Performance Query Tool to analyze retail fund activity, the Performance Query Tool relies upon data stored in the PERFORM database to provide time series as well as interactive analysis of data. And if you use the GIPS Composite Management component to manage activity of composites that include retail fund data, Eagle requires single-period NAV-based returns stored in the PERFORM database as the basis for calculating composite level returns.

Otherwise, you can use the Performance Analysis report to calculate both single-period and multi-period NAV-based returns, based on NAV holdings data. However, this approach does not allow you to take advantage of features that rely on information stored in the PERFORM database, such as risk statistics and the Performance Query Tool.