Run a Performance Analysis Report on an Ad Hoc Basis

You can use the Submit with Overrides option to temporarily change several types of Performance Analysis report attributes before you submit the report. This option is useful for submitting published reports, because the only person who can change the published report is the report owner.

To run a Performance Analysis Report on an ad hoc basis:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Reporting in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the General Reporting (Performance Center) link to access the Performance Center.
    You see the Performance Center with the General Reporting workspace

  4. Click the Reports tab.
    The Reports Explorer appears.

  5. In the report categories area, expand the Reports folder, click the Performance Analysis folder, and identify the report you want to run.

  6. Right-click the report name, and select Submit with overrides from the shortcut menu. See the previous figure.

  7. Alternatively, you can select the report, click the drop-down list arrow beside the Submit option on the toolbar, and select the Submit with overrides option from the toolbar.
    The Submit with Override dialog box appears for the selected report. See the following figure.

    This dialog box includes a series of tabs where you can enter values that temporarily override the options associated with the report profile and its assigned report rule.

  8. Use the Select Date(s) and Entity(ies) tab to:
    Override the dates defined in the report profile. For more information, refer to Create a Performance Analysis Report Profile.
    Override the server log level used for the report. For more information, refer to Performance Analysis Logging.
    Override the entities defined in the report profile.
    Select a language for the Report. If you set up Eagle to support languages in addition to English, you can specify a different language to use for the report results. The default language is English. The report can include multilingual security field attributes such as security name, entity field attributes such as portfolio name and benchmark name, and performance model information such as GICS sector. For general information about generating OLAP report results in multiple languages, refer to the PACE Reporting Reference Guide.
    Generate EagleEye Analysis output for use in report troubleshooting. For more information, refer to Use EagleEye Analysis.

  9. Click the Select a Report Rule and a Field Rule tab to override the report rule associated with the report profile, and/or override the field rule specified in the selected report rule. See the previous figure. For more information, refer to Performance Analysis Report Rule and Performance Analysis Fields.

  10. Click the Select the Grouping Rule tab to override the following:
    Grouping Rule. Grouping rule associated with the selected report rule. Overriding the grouping rule allows you to select different performance models or dynamic grouping by using a grouping that differs from your standard performance model. This process, called Dynamic Aggregated Performance Analysis, allows you to perform "what-if" analysis without rerunning and committing historical performance for the grouping in a new performance model. It also allows you to "look through" a compound instrument, such as an Exchange Traded Fund, into its constituents to see a true exposure. For general information about grouping rules, refer to Performance Analysis Report Rule. For more information about using dynamic groupings, refer to Use Dynamic Aggregated Performance Analysis.
    Analysis Options. For more information, refer to Understand the Analysis Options.
    Global Attribution Options. You can override the Global Attribution Group field's Options and Field Map to use for the analysis in attribution reports. This option is available when the fields in the Field Rule of the underlying report only contain Global Attribution fields from a single Global Attribution Field Group. If multiple Global Attribution Field Group fields are present in the attribution report's Field Rule, then this option is unavailable. For more information, refer to Performance Attribution.

  11. You can click the Select the Currency tab to override the currency conversion options associated with the report profile. See the previous figure. For more information, refer to Convert Returns From One Base Currency to Another.

  12. You can click the Select the Benchmark tab to override the benchmark assignments associated with the entities selected for the report. See the previous figure.  For more information, refer to Override a Benchmark – Submit with Override.

  13. Click OK to submit the report.