Performance Link Analysis Field
This report retrieves the daily returns for the fund and benchmark from the database, and geometrically links them to form the month-to-date return. The report is constructed in the same way as the daily report, except that you use Performance Link Analysis fields, as shown in the following two figures.
Performance Link Analysis Field Options
This section describes the Performance Link Analysis field options. See the following figure.
The following table describes Performance Link Analysis field options.
Option | Description |
Name | Controls the default column heading. |
Comments | Not displayed on the report. |
Precision | Decimal precision of the field. You can override this field. |
Field Name | Performance Analysis field you are linking. |
Period Options | Linking period. For more information, refer to "Performance Link Analysis Field Linking Options." |
Alignment to Observation Field | Allows for linking across gaps in the portfolio return series and annualizing based on the dates that actually had returns (as opposed to the original linking period). This feature also enables you to align a benchmark to the same dates that the portfolio had returns.
Ignore currency returns when missing performance returns for some periods | Allows you to ignore currency returns. Options include:
Use Business Calendar | Determines whether to use the business calendar to ensure that there are no missing returns. Drop-down list options include:
Annualize Returns | Determines whether to annualize returns. Options include:
Annualization Method | Specifies the method to use for annualization. Only available if Annualize Returns drop-down list is set to "Yes" or "To Held Period." Options include:
Numerator for Annualization Based on Days | Specifies the number of days to use in the numerator for annualization and ignores the value set in Performance System Parameter 9. Only available if Annualize Returns drop-down list is set to "Yes" or "To Held Period", and the Annualization Method drop-down list is set to "Days." |
Mixed Frequency Options | Allows you to link returns with a daily, quarterly, or monthly frequency for any specified time period. Options include:
Load Adjustment Returns | For backwards compatibility, replaced by Mutual Fund fields. |
If you are defining a Performance Link Analysis field for use in a Performance Calculation report, be aware that the Performance Calculation report supports source specific Performance Link Analysis fields. By specifying a Performance Source on the underlying Performance field, only data from that source is returned under that field in the report. For more information, see the Performance Calculation User Guide.
Mixed Frequency Linking
The Performance Link Analysis Fields use mixed frequency linking for pre-defined periods such as quarter to date, year to date, and inception to date. You can also use this feature to link any specified time period such as the following:
End Period
Monthly to Daily
Quarterly to Monthly to Daily
Begin Period
Daily to Monthly
Daily to Monthly to Quarterly
Begin and End Period
Daily to Monthly to Daily
Daily to Monthly to Quarterly to Monthly to Daily
You can use the Use Business Calendar option to ensure there are no missing returns. This option confirms the expected number of D and M records for each period. Details of the mixed frequency linking algorithm follow.
Example | End Period | Begin Period | Use Quarterly | D Records | M Records | Q Records |
1 | On | Off | Off | > prior month end date & <= end date | > begin date & <= prior month end date | None |
2 | On | Off | On | > prior month end date & <= end date | > prior quarter end date & <= prior month end date | > begin date and <= prior quarter end date |
3 | Off | On | Off | > begin date & <= begin month end date | > begin month end & <= begin quarter end date | None |
4 | Off | On | On | > begin date & <= begin month end date | > begin month end & <= begin quarter end date | > begin quarter end date & <= end date |
5 | On | On | Off | > begin date & <= begin month end date AND > prior month end date & <= end date | > begin month end & <= prior month end date | None |
6 | On | On | On | > begin date & <= begin month end date AND > prior month end date & <= end date | > begin month end date & <= begin quarter end date AND > prior quarter end date & <= prior month end date | > begin quarter end date & <= prior quarter end date |
Performance Link Analysis Field Linking Options
Several options are available for selecting the time period over which you want to link returns. Similar options are available in the Period Options section of Performance Link Analysis fields and Performance Risk Analysis fields. See the following figure.
When using Performance Link Analysis fields on the Performance Analysis report, if only one observation (D, M, Q, and Y) is found, it is not converted to and from the growth rate. Converting to and from a growth rate with one observation may cause a loss of insignificant digits.
The following table describes these linking options.
Option | Description |
Use Prior Observations, Months, Quarters, Years | The start of the period is always determined by going back that specified calendar period from the Report Profile date. |
Between Two Dates | Provide the first and last day of the entire period. For example, to request the return for calendar year 2014, set the begin date to 1/01/2014 and the end date to 12/31/2014. |
Date Rule | Custom rolling link periods can be defined and used with both beginning and end date offsets set via date rules. For example:
To-date returns | You can link returns from the fund's inception date or the funds fiscal year end date. The drop-down list menu shows you all date fields that are being maintained on the entity record. |
Link up to termination date | You can select this check box and a corresponding entity termination date field to perform linking up to the termination date only for the fund or benchmark. If you select this option for:
<Inception Date Check> | You can select one of the following options to allow or prevent the display of partial period returns:
Set Multiple Period Contribution Smoothing
Performance Link Analysis (PLA) fields can perform multiple period contributions smoothing.
If you set up a Performance Link Analysis field that links a Performance Analysis field that has a Contribution Effect and has Smoothing set to Carino-1992, the system smooths the multiple period PLA contributions built from this Performance Analysis field rather than simply chain-linking the contributions across the periods. Eagle Performance uses Cariño (1992) contribution smoothing methodology, described in the next section, to form the period contribution.
For example, to configure the sample Performance Analysis field in the following figure to support contribution smoothing, you set Effect to Contribution and you set Smoothing to Carino-1992.
The sample PLA field in the following figure uses the Performance Analysis field shown in the previous figure.
Cariño (1992) Contribution Smoothing
To calculate multiple period contributions, PACE historically applied a contribution computation to each sub-period segment and subsequently combined the segment contributions over time by chain-linking. There is always a difference between the linked returns of the total fund and the linked contributions of the segments to the fund return using this method. Although this PACE technique was first implemented at client request, it is not standard and it is not the most widely used method across the industry.
Cariño proposed an alternative for performing the linking that circumvents this problem by eliminating the differences, David Cariño, "Performance Calculations," Russell Technical Notes (1992). Note that this is not the same as his 1999 attribution smoothing algorithm. His 1992 contribution smoothing method assumes that all investment proceeds in one period are reinvested in the following period into categories in proportion to the overall segment weights.
For example, to calculate a quarterly contribution of the segment "Equities" from monthly:
where: is the equity contribution in month t*
is the portfolio return in month t.
For more information, refer to KB Article #11781, "Multiple Period Attribution and Contribution Smoothing Algorithms," in the Eagle Knowledge Base.