Index Toolkit Data Request Form

Index Toolkit Data Request Form

Complete this form for each index family you are requesting from RIMES or another data vendor to begin your discussions about the index data you need.

Required Data: Entity, Performance, Code Translations

1. Index Info. Complete the following table to provide information about each index in the index family you are requesting.

By default, RIMES provides only gross total returns for securities in an index. Gross returns are not reduced for tax withholding. RIMES can support other types of returns by providing those returns for an additional index entity or by customizing the index feeds and interfaces to support the required returns. For example, a data vendor can provide a net return index as one index entity and can provide a gross return index as a second index entity.

2. Performance Models and Index Loading Approach. Identify one or more performance models for which you require data for this index family, and the levels through which you require data. By default you receive the lowest level in each performance model selected.

3. Performance Frequency. Identify the frequency at which you want to receive Performance data (weights and returns) for this index family.
You can select one or both options: Daily (default) or Monthly.

4. Performance History. Specify the performance history requirements for the index family. This includes Total level weights and returns and, optionally, sector level weights and returns. You can select one of the following:
From Requested Entity History Date and ONgoing (Default) or Other (Describe start and end date)

When requesting historical data from your vendor, be sure to confirm that this history is available and is covered within your licensing

5. Performance Interface Source. Indicate whether to use the Toolkit source, use Eagle PACE, or identify an alternate source you want the data vendor to provide:

6. Code Translation Data. By default, you receive Sector Code translations for sectors of the performance models selected above. You can prevent receipt of code translations if you do not need that data.

7. Number of Files Delivered. By default, you receive one set of files per index per business day. RIMES will provide the Custom File Delivery Agreement (CDFA) defining exact details of file delivery, including the number of files provided in total and naming conventions.

Optional Index Constituent Data and FX Rates: SMF, Holdings, FX Rate

8. Security and Holdings Data. Do you need security reference data and holdings for indexes associated with the Index Family?

9. Security Identifiers for Resolution. If you are requesting security level data, provide the following information for identifying securities. Integrating RIMES with an existing security master source or sources will require additional analysis and configuration. Answers depend on the Eagle products you use and the data you currently have available. Consider your initial and ongoing reconciliation process that integrates with existing data in Eagle. For example, are you requesting SMF data that you plan to share with Eagle Accounting or with other indexes?

10. Exchange Field