Create or Overwrite a Snapshot

Create or Overwrite a Snapshot

The Metadata Manager provides a step-by-step procedure to assist you with creating a new snapshot, or overwriting an existing snapshot. In this procedure, you can describe the snapshot and specify its location, specify a full snapshot to include all metadata, or a custom snapshot to select specific metadata types, as well as any related metadata such as attributes, parents and children, and mapping.

You must have administrator privileges to create and manage snapshots.

To create a new snapshot, or overwrite an existing snapshot:

  1. From any Metadata Manager window, click Snapshot and select Create/Overwrite.
    You see the Create Snapshot – Welcome dialog box.

  2. Click Next.
    You see the Create Snapshot – Step 1: Name and Access dialog box.

  3. Enter the name and description and select the appropriate folder to save your snapshot.

  4. Click Next.
    You see the Create Snapshot – Step 2: Full or Custom dialog box.

  5. Select Full Snapshot or Custom Snapshot:
    –  If you selected Full Snapshot, you see the Create Snapshot – Finish dialog box that summarizes the snapshot options you have selected. Click Finish to create the snapshot.
    –  If you selected Custom Snapshot, you see the Create Snapshot – Step 3: Create Metadata Types dialog box. To add a type, click a type in the Available Types and click Add. To remove a type from the Selected Types, click a type and click Remove.

  6. If needed, click the Version drop down and select a compatible file version to load the snapshot file into older versions of the Metadata Center.

  7. Click Next.
    You see the Create Snapshot – Step 4: Select Related Metadata dialog box.

  8. Select the appropriate related metadata and click Next.
    You see the Create Snapshot – Finish dialog box that summarizes the snapshot options you have selected.

  9. Click Finish to create the snapshot.
    You see the "Completed snapshot export" message when the snapshot is done.