Manage the Metadata Lineage

Manage the Metadata Lineage

In the Metadata Manager, you can create a lineage graph that displays inputs on the left, the associated database column in the center, and the outputs on the right for the following metadata types:

  • Database Column

  • Field Attribute

  • Field Name

About Lineage Graphs

The lineage graph uses Message Center streams or Uploaders as inputs. For the outputs, the graph uses Report Profiles, Portal Reports (PACE), Eagle Portal Reports (STAR), STAR Reports, Exporters, Message Center Streams, and Datamarts.

The following information is displayed in the lineage graph based on the metadata type:

  • Lineage based on the Database Column type. Displays the input types that feed into that database column and any output types that the database column feeds into.

  • Lineage based on the Field Attribute type. Displays Report Profiles as the output type, the database column that the field attribute uses, and any input types that feed into that database column.
    NOTE: If you select a field attribute that has more than one database column, you have to select one database column that is used by that field attribute to run the graph.

  • Lineage based on the Field Name type. Displays Uploaders as the input type, the database column it is mapped to, and any outputs types that the database column feeds into. For the field name that is an output item, the lineage graph displays the Exporters as the output type, the database column used by the Exporter, and any input types that feed into that database column.
    NOTE: If you select a field name that has more than one database column associated with it, you have to select one database column that is used by that field name to run the graph.

About Lineage Graphs

The lineage graph uses Message Center streams or Uploaders as inputs. For the outputs, the graph uses Report Profiles, Portal Reports (PACE), Eagle Portal Reports (STAR), STAR Reports, Exporters, Message Center Streams, and Datamarts.

The following information is displayed in the lineage graph based on the metadata type:

  • Lineage based on the Database Column type. Displays the input types that feed into that database column and any output types that the database column feeds into.

  • Lineage based on the Field Attribute type. Displays Report Profiles as the output type, the database column that the field attribute uses, and any input types that feed into that database column.
    NOTE: If you select a field attribute that has more than one database column, you have to select one database column that is used by that field attribute to run the graph.

  • Lineage based on the Field Name type. Displays Uploaders as the input type, the database column it is mapped to, and any outputs types that the database column feeds into. For the field name that is an output item, the lineage graph displays the Exporters as the output type, the database column used by the Exporter, and any input types that feed into that database column.
    NOTE: If you select a field name that has more than one database column associated with it, you have to select one database column that is used by that field name to run the graph.

Create a Lineage Graph

To create a lineage graph:

  1. From any Metadata Manager window, click Types in the navigation path, or click the Types bottom tab to display types in the workspace.

  2. To select the metadata type for the lineage graph, do one of the following:
    –  Under Eagle Dictionaries in the left navigation, click Eagle Data Dictionary and double click the Database Column row in the workspace.
    –  Under Information Delivery in the left navigation, click Field Attributes and double click the Field Attribute row in the workspace.
    –  Under Data Management in the left navigation, click Data Files and double click the Field Name row in the workspace.
        You see the items for the type you selected.

  3. To create a lineage graph, click an item and click Lineage.
    You see the lineage graph in the Lineage window.

  4. Click a type in the graph and click a link to the item to view the details in the Item Detail window.

  5. Hover over the item link to see the item attributes in a pop up box.

  6. To navigate back to the Types window, click the Types bottom tab.