About the Metadata Center

About the Metadata Center

The Metadata Center allows you to access the metadata management and maintenance functionality of the Eagle product suite. Metadata is data about data. The Metadata Center provides a central repository that allows you to query, manage, enrich, and maintain metadata as well as generate various metadata analysis reports.

The Metadata Center has two main windows:

  • Metadata Manager. Allows you to perform metadata management and reporting.
  • Metadata Maintenance. Allows you to access and maintain metadata elements, including field attributes, inventory of tables, join information, and unique IDs.

You can also manage how your business users access and work in the Metadata Center by assigning permissions in the User Administration area of the System Management Center.

With the Metadata Center, you can do the following:

To access the Metadata Center:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Metadata Center in the Start Search text box and click the Metadata Center link. Or, click All Programs and select Metadata Center.
    You see the Metadata Manager window with the Types as the default.

    In the Metadata Manager, you can use the navigation path or the bottom tabs for navigation. The navigation path is displayed above the workspace and shows you in which window you are currently working and the path you took to get there. The bottom tabs allow you to navigate to windows that you have already visited without closing out of the current window.

  3. To access the Metadata Maintenance window, click Metadata Maintenance in the left navigation.
  4. To exit the Metadata Center, click the Eagle Navigator button, hover over Sign Out and click Close Metadata Center.
  5. To close all Eagle programs and log out, click the Eagle Navigator button and click Sign Out.