Distribution Service

Distribution Service

The Distribution Service in cloud supports distributing and consuming data from various endpoints.

Currently it supports:

  1. Distributing and consuming data from Azure Blob Storages

  2. Distributing and consuming data from SFTP servers

  3. Distributing data over email

The API Documentation for Distribution Service is available:

  1. In DEV:


2. In PROD:


The URL in PROD will be changed to the new format with a new release of Distribution Service.

The Swagger UI for Distribution Service is available:

  1. In DEV:


2. In PROD:



The distribution and consumption of data is based on configurations named distribution profiles. The distribution profile is tenant specific and contains information about a specific distribution or consumption endpoint - like FTPs server address, user id, password, whether the data needs compression before being published.

The format of currently supported distribution profiles can be found in Distribution to Multiple Destinations (Starting August 2019 Release)


The following entitlements are supported for the REST APIs:

eds.distribution.admin - the entitlement allows the user to manage the distribution profiles

eds.distribution.write - the entitlement allows the user to distribute files using tenant distribution profiles

eds.distribution.read - the entitlement allows the user to retrieve a file using tenant distribution profiles