Register New Instances

After your DBA has set up a new instance, you must make the PACE system aware of its presence.

To registering a new Mart instance:

  1. Register the database connection you must make to access the instance, if it is not the default connection of the Eagle warehouse database.

  2. Register the instance itself.
    Both of these steps are explained in the following procedures.

Register the Database Connection of the New Instance

A database connection is a pathway from the Data Mart engines that builds data in tables to a database server where a mart schema housing those tables might reside. There are four types of connections:

Connection Type


Connection Type



Connection to the DATAMART schema in the Eagle warehouse.


Connection to another Data Mart schema in the Eagle warehouse.


Connection to a Data Mart schema in another database, of the same type of database management system (SQL Server or Oracle) as the Eagle warehouse.


Connection to a Data Mart schema in another database, of a different type of database management system than the Eagle warehouse (SQL Server if Eagle is on Oracle or the reverse). 

  • Connection Types 1 and 2 are both to the same database server, the one housing the Eagle data warehouse. This is the default connection and does not require any setup in the Manage Database Connections dialog box.

  • Connection types 3 and 4 require setup in the Manage Database Connections dialog box. They involve links to database servers outside the Eagle warehouse. These servers can be located anywhere in the world. You can set them up with Mart instances as long as you can communicate with them and have privileges to write to the mart tables you create there.

To set up connection types 3 and 4:

  1. From the Data Mart window, click Manage Database Connections.
    You see the Manage Database Connections dialog box.

  2. The Manage Database Connections dialog box contains the following options:

    • Create. Define a new connection.

    • Edit. Edit the definition of a new connection.

    • Delete. Delete a connection.

    • Test Connection. Confirm that the connection is operational.

  3. Click Create.
    You see the Define Database Connection dialog box.

  4. In the Name box, enter a name for the connection to the database server.
    This name is used only within Data Mart.

  5. In Database Type list, select either Oracle or SQL Server.
    Your choice does not have to be the same as the database type of your Eagle warehouse.

  6. In the Server Name box, enter the name of the database server assigned to that server by your DBA.

  7. In the User Login box, enter the username that your DBA uses to login to the database server.
    This username must have write access to the Data Mart schemas set up on this database.

  8. In the Password box, enter the password used with the User Login to gain access to the database server.

  9. In the Comments box, enter any useful information about this connection.

  10. Click OK to save your changes.
    Continue with the next procedure of Register a Mart Instance.

Register a Mart Instance

After you register a multiple marts database connection, you must then register a Mart instance in that database before you can configure it or load data to its tables. You do not have to do this for the default mart instance, the DATAMART schema in the Eagle data warehouse provided with Eagle PACE. However, you can use the access control settings on the right side of the dialog box to manage access to the DATAMART schema. 

To register a Mart instance:

  1. From the Data Mart window, click Manage Data Marts.
    You see the Define Data Mart Instance dialog box. 

  2. In the Name box, enter a name for the mart instance.
    This name is important to the migration process for multiple marts. A given mart instance must have the same Name in all environments for which you want to use migration to update changes from, for example, Test to Production.

  3. Enter a description of the Mart instance in the Description box.
    Text you enter here appears in the Data Mart Instance dropdown list

  4. In the Table Space box, enter the name of the database schema of this mart instance.

  5. In Database Connection dropdown, select a connection you previously registered in the Define Database Connection dialog box.

  6. To see if you should select the Enable Internationalization check box, see Data Mart Multilingual Configuration.

  7. In the Comments box, enter any useful information about this instance.

  8. Select Give Access to Everyone or Give access to specified users or Business Groups to determine whether or not to restrict access to the Data Mart user interface for this instance.
    If you restrict access, you must specify one or more users or business groups who can have access. This setting does not affect access to the tables of the database schema associated with this instance. That access is not controlled from the Eagle application.