Edit Group, Fund Summary, and Detail Models

Edit Group, Fund Summary, and Detail Models

You can modify any of the fields in a Group, Fund Summary, or Detail model except for the Table Name on the Definition tab and the grayed-out Database Column Names on the Fields tab. Once you submit a Group model, you cannot modify the grouping information.

To edit a model:

  1. In Reporting Center, from the left navigation, select Reporting Tools > Datamart > Manage Marts > Data Mart.
    You see the Data Mart workspace.

  2. From the Manage Mart window, select the model you want to edit.

  3. Click the Edit Model link.
    You see the Editing Model dialog box. 

  4. Click Refresh.
    Multiple users can access Data Mart simultaneously. Refresh updates Data Mart so you can view the effects of changes that others have entered.

  5. Modify the fields on any of the tabs.

  6. In the Fields tab, you can use Modify to select another field attribute and replace the field.
    However, you cannot change the field's database name once data has been built for it. Additionally, you can only replace the field with another field of the same data type. 
    Note: If you want to use a different database column name after data has been populated to a field, remove the field from all models where it appears, click Refresh, re-select the field attribute for each model, and use the new database column name.

  7. Click OK to save your changes.
    Data Mart verifies that any changes you have made to the model are valid, and then prompts you with a warning if a change is not valid.