Work With Advanced Report Profiles for Clients

Advanced Report Profiles for Clients

Advanced Reporting allows you to submit profiles for Clients. This feature works with the ability to submit PACE Report profiles for Clients. You can submit Advanced Reports for Clients by using one of two methods. The parameter Pass Client Info in the Advanced Report Rule maintenance function is populated at the PACE Profile level in the Advanced Report Rule.

Since the Client – Entity relationship is date sensitive, the effective date of the relationship is compared to the effective date of the Advanced Report to determine which of the Client’s entities are included in the report.

Profile Hierarchy

The profile hierarchy is:

  • If the Advanced Report profile is submitted for a Client, and the underlying PACE report profile is created for Clients with the Pass Client Info parameter populated, the underlying PACE report is submitted for the entities contained within the Client in the Advanced Report Profile. If the Advanced Report profile is submitted for a Client, and the underlying PACE report profile is created for Clients, the Pass Client Info parameter is ignored and the underlying PACE report is submitted for the Entities contained within the Clients at the Advanced Report profile level.

  • If the Advanced Report profile is submitted for a Client, and the underlying PACE report profile is created for Entities with the Pass Client Info parameter populated, the underlying PACE report is submitted for the intersection of the entities contained in the PACE profile and the Client contained in the Advanced profile. The underlying PACE report fails if there is no intersection.

  • If the Advanced Report profile is submitted for a Client, and the underlying PACE report profile is created for Entities without the Pass Client Info parameter populated, the underlying PACE report is submitted for the Entities contained with the Client from the Advanced Report profile.

  • If the Advanced Report profile is submitted for an Entity, and the underlying PACE report profile is created for a Client, the Pass Client Info of entities contained with the Advanced Report profile.

Due to processing constraints, an Advanced Report Rule cannot have both Clients and Entities selected in an Advanced Report profile. It is possible, however, for you to select Clients for one Advanced Rule and Entities for another Rule in a single Advanced Report profile.

After an Entity or Client is selected for a Selected Rule, the Entity/Client filter is disabled to prevent you from adding both Entities and Clients.

Audit Data Storage

When submitting the Advanced Report for a Client, the Advanced Reporting engine maintains an audit trail of this event in the internal tables. The Client_id value for the selected Client is stored in the PCRE_RPTS table, which is an internal table in the Advanced Report results. The profile_clients column in the PCRE_RPTS table stores this information. Running the Advanced Report for more than one Client, the client_id values for each of the Clients are stored in a comma-separated string.

Time Zone Date Rules

Advanced Reporting recognizes Date Rules with a non default time zone setting configured in the underlying PACE Concentration Report. While overriding or passing the effective date from the Advanced Reporting engine to the Concentration engine, Advanced Reporting takes into consideration the time zone selected in the Date Rule of the PACE Report Profile.

For example, if the underlying PACE Report profile contains a Date Rule configured with a time zone of GMT plus ten hours, and an Advanced Report is submitted at 4:00 pm on the first of the month from an environment where the PACE Server is configured with a time zone of GMT minus two hours, the Concentration report is submitted for the second of the month.

The profile_from_date and profile_two_date values in the PCRE_RPTS table of the Advanced Report contains the adjusted effective date. The eff_date value in the PCRE_PKG table, however, contains the effective date as it exists before the time zone adjustment. This is because the PCRE_PKG table represents the Advanced Report as a whole, and situations might exist where not all of the underlying PACE reports contain a time zone-adjusted Date Rule.