Advanced Report Rules

Advanced Report Rules

This section describes working with Advanced Report Rules to design your report. Advanced Report Rules are the links between the data retrieved from the PACE database using the underlying report profile, and the imaging component through the imaging template selected in the Available Reports setting. The data returned by the underlying report profile is passed through the imaging template in the Advanced Reporting engine to produce a presentation quality report.

Manage Advanced Report Rules

You can view existing Report Rules and copy, edit, or delete them.

To view a list of existing Report Rules, start General Reporting, and select the Components tab. From the Components tab, open the Report Rules folder, and then the Advanced Reporting folder. A window appears, displaying the list of existing Advanced Report Rules.

You can sort Advanced Report Rules by ascending or descending columns, including Name, Item Type, Report Type, Report Sub Type, Owner, Date, and Comments. Click the column header to sort the rules. Click the column header again to reverse the sorting order. The following table lists the options you use to manage Advanced Report Rules.




Opens the New Advanced Report Rule dialog box, where you set up a new Advanced Report Rule.


Modifies parameters of the selected Advanced Report Rule.


Copies parameters of the selected Advanced Report Rule, and saves the rule with a new name.


Renames the selected Advanced Report Rule.


Deletes the selected Advanced Report Rule from the Advanced Reporting Rules window.


Publishes the selected Advanced Report Rule design.


Displays the parameters of the selected Advanced Report Rule.

Show History

Displays the IDs of the users who modified the selected Advanced Report Rule, and the date and time when the changes were made.


Displays how this Advanced Report Rule is used in other dependent components.

Find on Page

Searches for Advanced Report Rule based on the specified parameter.

Advanced Report Designer

Opens the Advanced Report Designer dialog box, where you can design an Advanced Report, including creating a new report from a database, creating a new advanced report, or opening the existing designer.

Report Maintenance

Opens the Available Reports dialog box. On this dialog box you can:

  • Upload a DLL, RPT, or RPX file.

  • Check the status of registering the DLL, RPT, or RPX files.

  • Delete DLL, RPT, or RPX reports from the Available Reports dialog box.

  • Refresh the list of reports displayed in the Available Reports dialog box.


Imports definition of an advanced report rule.

  • Migrate Now. Copies data from a particular environment to the specified destination using a set of migration rules.

  • Migrate Cart. Opens the Data Migration wizard.

  • Add Item to Cart. Adds the selected advanced report rule to the migration cart.

  • View Cart. Displays the Data Migration wizard.

  • View Logs. Displays previous migration logs.

  • Define Silent Migration Values. Specifies default values to apply to reports migrated into a target environment.

Filter Advanced Report Rules

You can filter Advanced Report Rules to view all rules, or only your own Advanced Report Rules.

To view all existing Advanced Report Rules, select the Show me all the Rules filter. You see a list of all existing rules.

General Reporting Show All Rules

To view only your own Advanced Report Rules, select Show Me My Rules filter. You see a list of only the rules that you created.

Show My Rules

Create Advanced Report Rules

You have to be authorized to create Advanced Report Rules. After you create Advanced Report Rules, you can use them in your Advanced Report Profile.

To create an Advanced Report Rule:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter General Reporting in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the General Reporting (Reporting Center) link to access the Reporting Center.
    You see the General Reporting module.

  4. Click the Reports tab.

  5. Expand the Reports folder and click Advanced Reporting.

  6. Click the Components tab.

  7. In the Components tree, expand the Report Rules folder.

  8. On the toolbar, click the Compose link, or right-click the Components tab and select New.
    You see the Building a New Report Rule window.

    Building a New Report Rules window
  9. Select Advanced Reporting and click Next, or double-click the Double Click Here to Build Your Report link.
    You see the New Advanced Report Rule dialog box.

  10. In the Name field, type a unique, descriptive name for the new advanced report rule.

  11. In the Report Selection section, select MicroStrategy Reports or Active/Crystal Reports.

  12. In the Available Reports field, set the imaging template for the advanced report rule.

  13. Click the ellipsis (...) to open the Select Report for Advanced Report Rule dialog box.
    You see the Select Report for Advanced Report Rule dialog box which contains all Advanced Reporting projects and designers registered on the PACE Server and stored in the PACE_MASTERDBO.ADV_REPORT_LIST table. If an imaging template has not yet been created for this advanced report rule, you can leave the Available Reports setting blank.

  14. Select the required imaging template and click OK.
    You see the selected template in the Available Reports field. The data for the Advanced Reporting report rules is stored in the ADV_REPORTS and ADV_REPORT_COMPONENTS tables in the RULES database. The ADV_REPORTS table contains information regarding the Visual Basic DLL and designer, and the ADV_REPORT_COMPONENTS table contains information from the underlying PACE Report Profile as well as the target table name.

  15. Select the I don’t want a report for my rule check box if you do not want to generate a report on the new advanced report rule.

  16. In the Profiles section, click Add to select the underlying PACE report profile and the target table that stores the PACE report data before imaging.
    You see the Advanced Report Rule Component dialog box.

  17. In the Advanced Report Rule Components dialog box, click the ellipses (...).
    You see the Select Profile dialog box.

  18. Select the required profile and click OK.
    You see the profile name in the Profile Name field. The name of the table that stores the Advanced Report Rule information is automatically set in the Table Name field. The table can be accessed within Visual Basic. The table name is limited to 29 characters and cannot contain spaces. It also cannot be an SQL reserved word.
    A Target Table name can be used more than once in a PACE Advanced Reporting environment. However, the same Target Table name cannot be used in more than a single profile. This allows the same designer to be selected for more than one Advanced Report Rule, since most designers search for data from a specific table name.

  19. Select the Pass Client Info check box to run the advanced report for the specified client only.

  20. Select the Force Dates check box to set Force Dates to Yes. Click OK.
    You see the New Advanced Report Rule dialog box again. In the Options section, specify the advanced report options:.

  21. Click Add to associate Advanced Report Options with the current Advanced Report Rule.
    You see the Advanced Report Options/Parameters dialog box displaying all existing options. You can manage advanced report options including adding, editing, deleting, copying, and viewing options usage. Changes you make to advanced report options and parameters are universal and also supported in the Maintain Options/Parameters dialog box. The advanced report options marked blue are internal. You cannot edit, copy, or delete them.

  22. Select the check boxes next to the options you want to add to the new advanced report rule and click OK.

  23. Click Contact Type.
    You see the Contact Type dialog box.

  24. Select the contact types to use during client reporting distribution.
    One client reporting batch with multiple contact types can contain one Advanced Report to be distributed in multiple permutations. Contact type panel settings are ignored when the advanced report rule is run as an advanced report, as opposed to a client reporting batch.

  25. Select the required contact types and click OK. Click All to select all available contact types. To deselect all contact types, click None. Click OK to continue.

  26. Click OK to save the new advanced report rule.
    The new rule appears in the Advanced Report Rules window. Next, you can set dynamic page numbering.

Create a Report Rule to Access a MicroStrategy Report

To use MicroStrategy for an advanced report, you define an Advanced Report rule that identifies an existing MicroStrategy report that you want to deliver as an Advanced report.

To create a MicroStrategy advanced report rule:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter General Reporting in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the General Reporting (Reporting Center) link to access the Reporting Center.
    You see the General Reporting module.

  4. Click the Components tab.

  5. In the left pane of the Components window, open the Report Rules folder.
    You see a list of folders.

  6. Expand the Advanced Reporting folder.

  7. Click Compose.
    You see the Building a New Report Rule window.

  8. Select Advanced Reporting in the left pane, then double-click Double-click here to build your Report.
    You see the New Advanced Report Rule dialog box.

  9. Set Report Selection to MicroStrategy Reports.

  10. Click the icon with ellipses.
    You see the MicroStrategy Reports dialog box with the list of installed reports.

    MicroStrategy Reports dialog box
  11. Select the report to use and click OK.
    The Select Report field is set to the name of the report. The Options list populates with the parameters required to use the MicroStrategy selection.

  12. Complete the Option definition for each parameter. The parameters for the report you have selected appear in the Options section of the dialog box.

  13. Complete the options in the following table, then click OK.




Enter a name for the rule.

Report Selection

Select MicroStrategy Reports.

Select Report

Click the ellipses (...) to select a report.


The parameters for the selected report appear in this section. Entity and effective date MicroStrategy parameters can be mapped to PACE internal parameters. For other MicroStrategty parameter types, you must use other existing PACE parameters or create a new one if there are no existing parameters that meet your needs.

Use Dynamic Page Numbering

When you are creating an Advanced Report Rule, you set up dynamic page numbering for an Advanced Report Profile. Use this feature with the Contact Type settings, so that when only a portion of the reports is distributed to the specified Contact Type, the page numbering is set correctly. Dynamic page numbers also appear in the Eagle Report Exchange (ERX).

For example, if the Advanced Report Profile contains ten Advanced Report Rules (ten reports) and the Fund Manager should only receive three reports, only those three Advanced Report Rules would be set up in the Contact Type for Fund Manager. This way, when the Client Reporting Batch is run and distributed, only the three reports with the Fund Manager category selected are distributed to the Fund Manager. To select the contact type to use, click the check box next to the appropriate contact type.

The Contact Type values are set up as code values using the iRelation Type code and the code_instance (identifier) value of 10021.

To set dynamic page numbering:

  1. In the New Advanced Report Rule dialog box, click Page Numbering.
    You see the Dynamic Page Numbering dialog box.

    Dynamic Page Numbering Dialog Box
  2. In the Caption field, type the caption that includes any text arguments used to display the page number. For example, to print just the page number, enter the string %page%. To print the Page number, enter Page %page%.

  3. From the Position drop-down list, select the location on the page where you want the caption to print.

  4. In the Top and Left fields, type the number of twentieths of a point (twips) from the margins where you want the caption to be placed. The value 1440 twip equals one inch.

  5. In the Options section, select on the pages on which pages you want the number to appear.

  6. From the Font drop-down list, select the font for the caption and click OK.

Edit Advanced Report Rules

You must be authorized to edit Advanced Report Rules settings.

To edit an Advanced Report Rule:

  1. From the General Reporting module, in Build Components mode, click the Components tab.

  2. Expand the Report Rules folder and click Advanced Reporting.

  3. The Advanced Report Rules window appears, displaying the list of advanced report rules.

  4. Double-click the advanced report rule you want to edit.
    You see the Advanced Report Rule dialog box.

  5. Edit parameters of the Advanced Report Rule. Click OK to save your changes.

Delete Advanced Report Rules

You can delete only your own advanced report rules one at a time.

To delete an advanced report rule:

  1. From the General Reporting module, in Build Components mode, click the Components tab.

  2. Expand the Report Rules folder and click Advanced Reporting.
    You see the Advanced Report Rules window.

  3. Right-click the advanced report rule and select Delete.
    You see a Confirmation dialog box.

  4. Click Yes to delete the selected advanced report rule.

  5. The rule is deleted from the Advanced Report Rules window.

Register Advanced Reports

You can register Advanced Reports to the server from the Advanced Report Rules dialog box. Registering Advanced Reports minimizes the number of users required to access Advanced Reporting registration directories. Using the Advanced Report Rules dialog box you can register:

  • Active Reports (DLLs)

  • Crystal Reports (RPT)

  • Crystal Reports (DLLs)

  • RPX files

You can manually drop the DLLs into a directory specified by the Sys_Item 39 in the PACE_MASTERDBO.PACE_SYSTEM table. If you have a cluster environment with more than one Advanced Reporting server, the report is moved to all of the Advanced Reporting servers.

To register Advanced Reports:

  1. From the General Reporting module, in Build Components mode, click the Components tab.

  2. Right-click anywhere on the Components tab and select Report Maintenance.
    You see the Available Reports dialog box.

  3. Click Upload.
    You see the Open dialog box.

    Open Dialog Box
  4. Select the DLL, RPT, or RPX that you want to upload and click OK. The selected file is uploaded.
    You see a Confirmation dialog box.

  5. Click Yes.
    You see the Report Registration Status dialog box, displaying the status of registering the DLL, RPT, or RPX.

    Report Registration Dialog Box
  6. Click Refresh to refresh report registration status.

  7. Click Clear All to clear the history of all DLL registrations from the Report Registration Status dialog box.

Naming Conventions

Refer to the following naming conventions when working with Advanced Reporting Report Rules.



Max No. of Char

Invalid Characters

Advanced Reporting Report Rule

Report rule name, used as part of PCRE_TOC table.



Advanced Reporting Report Rule

Project Name (same as project name in Visual Basic)


No spaces

Advanced Reporting Report Rule

Table name, used during design phase. Provides fields list for design. Used with Advanced Report Tester to preview reports in design phase.


No spaces; cannot be SQL reserved word (e.g. select)

Advanced Reporting Report Rule



No spaces

Advanced Reporting Report Profile

Database (named through the Access choice on the scheduling window)

No limit

Not applicable, can contain spaces. Name only used during design phase. Typically related Advanced Report Profile name.