Create a New Report that Uses Option

Create a New Report that Uses Option

You can select the transaction type that is displayed in the report at runtime.

To create a new report that uses option:

  1. In the PACE Client, click the Reporting link.
    You see the Report Studio.

  2. Create the Option first. The Option is selected when the Advanced Report Rule is created.

  3. Click the Build Report Components link.

  4. Select the Components tab, and expand the Advanced Reporting folder.

  5. Click Compose.

  6. From the Building a New Report Rule dialog box, select Advanced Reporting and click Next.

  7. Right-click in the Options section and select New Option.
    You see the Add/Edit Option dialog box.

    Add Edit dialog box
  8. Complete the following fields in this dialog box:
    Name. Type the option name. The name cannot contain any spaces and cannot be longer than 24 characters.
    Caption. Type the text to be displayed to the user at runtime. This text is displayed on the first window of the Advanced Report Profile wizard in the Parameter column. The caption limit is 255 characters.
    Comments. Enter a comment. The comment is displayed on the first page of the Advanced Report Profile. It appears in a pop-up window when the user moves the cursor above the Option.
    Default Value. Select a default value, such as Purchase (optional).
    Properties. Click the check box next to Required.
    Type drop‑down list. Select Code and click Ellipsis. The Select a Code dialog box appears. Scroll down, select TRANSACTION TYPES, and click OK.
    You see the Add/Edit Option dialog box.

  9. Click OK.
    You see the Advanced Report Rules dialog box.

  10. Сreate the Advanced Report Rule.
    The Name field is the name of the Advanced Report Rule. This name is also used in an Advanced Report Table of Contents.
    The Available Reports section is associated with the Visual Basic portion of the Advanced Report Rule. Leave this section blank. You populate this section after the Visual Basic component is completed.

  11. Click New.
    You see the Select Profile dialog box.

  12. Expand the Trades folder, and then expand Multi-Period. All of the Trades Multi-Period reports created by you or published by other users of PACE are listed in this section. Double-click a report profile that contains the Transaction Code, either in the Field or Grouping Rule.
    You see the Advanced Report Rule dialog box. Continue with the following procedure to create the advanced report rule.

Create the Advanced Report Rule

Complete this procedure from the Advanced Report Rule dialog box. Make sure you have already completed the preceding procedure.

  1. Click inside the cell that corresponds with the Table Name column and type in the name of the table that stores the Advanced Report Rule information so that it can be accessed in Visual Basic. The table name is limited to 29 characters, cannot contain spaces, and cannot be an SQL reserved word.

  2. Click Options.

  3. Highlight the previously created option and select the check box. Click OK.
    You see a Warning dialog box describing the missing information.

    Warning Dialog Box
  4. Click Yes.
    You see the Building a New Report Rule dialog box.

  5. Click Explore to return to the Report Studio.
    The shell Advanced Report Rule is complete.

  6. Click the Reports tab in the Report Studio to create the Advanced Report Profile.

  7. Expand the Advanced Reporting folder and click Compose.

  8. Highlight Advanced Reporting and click Next.
    You see the Advanced Report Profile-Step 1 of 3 dialog box.

  9. Right-click under Selected Rules and select Add. Select the Advanced Report Rule that you just created in the previous section to add it to the Selected Rules list.
    After you add the Advanced Report Rule to the Selected Rules section, the Option appears on the Options tab. The default value selected when you defined the option appears in the Value column.

  10. From the Entities list, select a Portfolio and click Add.

  11. Click Next.
    You see the Advanced Report Profile-Step 2 of 3 dialog box.

  12. Use the options on this dialog box to schedule the report. Click Next.
    You see the Advanced Report Profile-Step 3 of 3 dialog box.

  13. Name the Advanced Report Profile. Click Finish.

  14. Double-click the report to open it. The report is blank. Click Export in the Viewer, and save the report results in Microsoft Access format.
    Next, you will access Visual Basic to build the Report Project and its associated designer.

Create Report DLL and Designer for Report

To create a report design:

  1. Start Visual Studio.
    You see the New Project window.

  2. Select ActiveX DLL and click Open.
    You see the PACE Advanced Reporting Add-in window.

  3. Select the appropriate version and Database Library and click Enable.
    You see the main Project1-Microsoft Visual Basic (design) window.

  4. On the Project window, right-click Class1 and click Remove Class1.
    You see a dialog box asking if you want to save your changes. Click No.

  5. On the Project window, select Project1. Then, on the Properties window next to (Name), select Project1 and rename it.

  6. To add a blank designer, on the Project menu, click Add Data Dynamics ActiveReports.
    You see the Active Report1 window.

  7. Drag the corner of this window so that it fits most of the window, and then maximize the design window.

  8. To rename ActiveReport1, select ActiveReport1 on the Project1 window. Then, on the Properties window, next to (Name), select ActiveReport1 and rename it.

  9. Click DAO to define how to pass the data from PACE to the designer.
    The DAO connects to the datasource through the Visual Basic DAO libraries.

  10. Click and draw a box about the size of the button in the Detail area. The button appears highlighted in the Detail section.

  11. With the DAO button still highlighted, click the cell next to RecordSetType on the Properties dialog box. The RecordSet Type is currently set to 1=Dynaset. Click inside the value cell. Then click the drop‑down list and change it to 2=Snapshot.

  12. Right-click the highlighted button and select Properties.
    You see the DAOData Control Properties window.

  13. Browse to DatabaseName.
    You see the Select Database dialog box. This refers to the database name supplied when you created the Advanced Report Profile.

  14. Access a folder, highlight the Database name and click Open.
    The DatabaseName is populated.
    The RecordSource section defines how to obtain data from the table. In this section, type:

    select * from TableName

    This table name was previously specified in the Advanced Report Rule.

  15. Select Apply and then click OK.

  16. Decrease the size of the Detail section so that the DAO button is hidden by moving your cursor so that it is just touching the PageFooter section. A double arrow appears. Click and drag the section up. Leave about a half inch of space in the section.

  17. Click the Fields button to display all possible fields as defined by the RecordSource.

  18. Click and drag fields to the Detail section.

  19. Right-click the field and select Properties to format it. Or, open the Properties window for that field and click in the Output Format cell. To format the report design:
    Add a report title to the PageHeader section.
    Add report column headers to the PageHeader section.

  20. Right-click in the design window and select Insert-Group Header > Footer. Two additional sections appear in the report: GroupHeader1 and GroupFooter1.

  21. Select the GroupHeader1 section to edit it. On the bottom-right corner of the Properties - GroupHeader1 window, click the blank cell to the right of the Data Source cell.

    A drop‑down list appears.

  22. Select DAODataControl1.

  23. Click in the blank cell to the right of the Data Field cell.

    A drop‑down list appears.

  24. Select Transaction Type.

  25. From the Fields list, click and drag the Transaction Type field into the GroupHeader1 section. Highlight the field and change the font and font size.